23 | Him & I

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"I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat out. See if he can boss us around without a larynx," Adrian said after entering the cellar.

"You won't have to take it much longer," Maya informed.

"You keep saying that, but here we are hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen," Kimberley pointed out impatiently.

"Never say never and never say I don't pull through. I found the witch that's gonna save your lives," Hayley said as she entered the cellar.

"Are you serious?" Adrian asked.

"We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond, now Hayley, Tyler and I are gonna do ours," Maya said.

"Are you sure there is no one else?" Maya asked her brother with a frown as they walked to the Grill.

"It has to be me. They need you as their alpha and you are kind of pregnant," Tyler pointed out, gesturing to her stomach.

"I just wish there was another way."

"You don't have to be involved, we can handle it. I know how you feel about Klaus is...well complicated."

"My priority is the pack, it has to be. I'm not going to risk the death of thirteen people who are basically a part of me for the sake of a hybrid who is kind of a dick. If my pack dies, a part of me dies with them."

"Kind of a dick? If that's not the understatement of the year, I don't know what is."

Maya laughed slightly when a conversation grabbed her attention.

"Did you find the sword?" Caroline asked.

"Nope," Stefan answered

"What are we gonna do now?"

"Klaus is the only shot we have at finding the cure. We need him. Maya and Tyler have to call it off."

"Well, that's not gonna happen," Maya said joining them in the alleyway with Tyler.

"You told him?" Tyler said to Caroline, a hurt look evident on his face.

"I've had twelve hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives and you're blabbing our plan to him?" Maya said walking closer to the two.

"Look, all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time, okay?" Stefan asked, stepping closer to Maya.

"How long? An hour? A day? Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, they're at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them up for Jeremy to kill. I don't owe you anything," Maya said before turning to walk away, "Klaus is gone tonight."

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that," Stefan said vamp-speeding in front of her.

Maya raised an eyebrow, amused at his attempt to scare her.

"Stefan," Caroline warned.

"I'm sorry but I can't," Stefan said looking back at her.

"Stefan!" Caroline warned again looking over his shoulder.

Stefan turned around to see a half a dozen hybrids standing on the stairs in front of him, Caroline turned around to see the other half.

"You just made an enemy of the wrong person, Salvatore," Maya said before walking off, her pack right behind her.

"Keep up your role with Klaus," Maya said to the hybrids, "It's the last time you will ever have to and we don't want him getting suspicious."

They all nod before dispersing.

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