19 | Pillowcase

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Maya was tapping her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that currently played on the radio as she waited for the light to turn green.

Her phone rang and she looked at the screen to see it was Liam, "Hey."

"Hey," Liam said, it was a lot quieter than it usually was when he called. All that could be heard was the faint sound of a car engine.

"What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming back."

"You are?" Maya said unable to hold back the smile.

"Yeah, I should be there by lunchtime."

"I'm going to be hanging out with Matt at the Grill today so you can meet me there or I can meet you somewhere else, if you want."

"I'll meet you at the Grill."

"Okay, see you then," Maya said as she hung up with a grin still on her face.

She was snapped back to reality when a horn honked causing Maya to jump. Looking up, she saw that the light was green and she drove off to the Mystic Grill.

Maya entered the Grill to find Matt on the phone.

"Really? Jeremy, you're half an hour late. Get here now," he said before ending the voicemail.

"Need any help?" Maya asked.

"If it's not too much to ask."

"I like helping, even if I'm not getting paid for it."

Maya began taking down chairs when the door opened again.

"Uh...Matt?" April said.

"Uh, hey, April. We don't open until eleven."

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you or stalk you or whatever. I just - I came to ask if you've seen Rebekah."

"Why would I have seen Rebekah?"

"Oh, I just assumed...I mean, aren't you guys kind of like a thing?"

"Rebekah and I are not a thing," Matt protested with a scoff.

"Well, I - I mean I'm worried about her. She said she'd help me find stuff out about the fire that killed my dad and then she just - disappeared."

Before anyone could react, Connor had pushed Jeremy into the room with a knife pressed to his throat.

"Trust me, that's the least of your problems," Connor said before shouting, "Sit down!"

Everyone took a seat and Connor took Jeremy's phone.

"At least let April go," Jeremy pleaded, "She doesn't have anything to do with this."

"She has everything to do with this. Her and her father. Plus, she and I have a history."

"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life," April said confused.

"Well, you kids need to get some vervain. And don't just wear it as a bracelet where anybody can just take it off. Maybe then you'd remember our conversation at the hybrid's yesterday."

"Our conversation? Are you saying someone compelled me?!" Jeremy shouted.

"Would someone please tell me what he's talking about?!" April asked getting panicky.

"Compulsion, secrets, vampires," Connor said as though it were a mantra.

"If you know so much, then you know our friends are going to come for us," Matt said.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now