18 | Inevitable

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Maya, Damon, Elena, and Bonnie pull up in front of the college and get out of Damon's car.

"Are you sure that you're okay with this?" Elena asked Bonnie anxiously.

"If I could spell you out of wanting blood, I would, but I can't, so better you learn this now than at freshman orientation."

"Something tells me that college isn't in my future anymore."

"Oh, stop with the pity party. If I can go to college, you can go to college," Damon said interrupting their conversation.

"You went to college?"

"Sure, plenty of times. I always had a thing for sorority girls," Damon said with a smirk.

"You're disgusting."

"I know."

Elena and Bonnie walk off toward Professor Shane's classroom and Damon followed behind them. Maya let out a deep breath before following after the three.

"When I say the word 'witch', what pops into your head?" the professor said as the four entered the room, "Halloween costume? Villain of a fairy tale? Maybe an ex-girlfriend? Well, whatever image it is it's probably not Tanyell Soso of Montego, Cameroon."

They all take a seat and Elena is the first to speak, "Is that him?"

"Yeah," Bonnie confirmed.

"He's kind of..."

"Creepy," Maya said.

"Hot," Bonnie said.

Bonnie and Elena both shot her a look that she sent right back.

"Oh come on Bonnie, tell me you can see that."

"See what?"

"That black stuff, it's all around him. It's impossible not to see."

"Now, in reality, or in this reality at least, witches appear to cross every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural; responsible for everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to vampires to doppelgängers," the professor continued.

"What is this guy, Witch-apedia?" Damon joked causing Elena to laugh.

"Shhh, shut up," Bonnie hushed.

"Now, if you're a skeptic, you'd call that a coincidence. But, if you're a true believer, you know that there's really no such thing. It scares the crap out of us."

Maya zoned out seeing as she had already known everything he was talking about.

"Am I interrupting you guys?" Professor Shane said snapping Maya back to reality as he looked up at Elena and Damon. "Or is it maybe the other way around?"

"Sorry," Elena mumbled.

"I was just saying how much I love witches."

"Yeah, you and me both, brother," the professor said before turning back to the rest of the class, "Alright, listen, we should probably talk about the readings that none of you did."

Bonnie and Maya joined Damon and Elena who seemed to be in an intense conversation.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Elena is educating me on the importance of feelings," Damon answered.

"Did you talk to the professor?" Elena asked.

"For a second. He found some stuff of my Grams' in his office and he's gonna dig it up for me. Oh, uh, this."

Bonnie handed Elena a flyer to a frat murder house party.

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