Chapter 6

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Jack's P.O.V.

"Now where the hell have you been?" My dad asks furiously, in his big booming voice.
"Out." I replied, walking past him to go to my room.
"Not so fast," he says, grabbing the collar of my costume, "you've got some explaining to do!"
"I've done enough explaining, I already know I'm grounded and I already know what you're going to say, it happens every year! Now if you'll excuse me I'd rather skip the dialogue and just go to my room." I snapped, now I'm getting mad. He stands in front of me so I can't go anywhere.
"You've been gone all night this time, we thought you were kidnapped! Who knows what could have happened to you!" He shouts back.
"Or maybe I ran away because I can't fucking stand you! All your rules and talk about being king and marrying a queen and wearing fancy clothes and never leaving the castle! I never got to have friends or be a normal kid at all and you think I'm just gonna stay here and do nothing for the rest of my life?! Hell no, I'm out." I yell, turning around to head back to the door. He grabs me again.
"You aren't going anywhere, you will stay here and I will drill it into your head until you learn your lesson! You will follow the rules and learn to be a proper king, you will marry Alice, she's a nice girl who will make a good queen, you will look professional and orderly, you will stop using that foul language, and you will not be leaving your room until you have learned to obey the rules!" He demands, pushing me into the direction of my room that he had previously kept me out of. I start walking there and pass my mother on the way in.
When I get to my room I realize why he kept me out.

Max's P.O.V.

When I get to my house I start going around to the back, only to be stopped by my mother. She has a look of anger and disappointment on her face. We head in the front door and she asks where I've been.
"I went trick or treating like I always do. I know what you're going to say already you've said it a million times before." I tell her.
"What happened to your hair." She asks.
"I cut it." I respond.
"You know that's against the rules! You have to look good, you're a princess for Christ's sake!" She says.
"I don't give a shit about the rules! I'll do what I want, when I want, and you can't fucking stop me!" I yelled at her. "Language, young lady you are grounded and you will not leave your room until you learn to control yourself!" She yells back.
When I get to my room she shuts the door and I hear it lock. I open the curtains to get some sunlight in my room, but there is no light. The window is boarded up tightly, I try to pry the boards off but they aren't budging. Shit. Now I really can't go anywhere. I'm stuck. Now I'm angry, like hell if I'm just going to sit here doing nothing! I open my dresser drawers and take everything out, I do the same with my closet. I go the grab the scissors only to realize they aren't there anymore, my hat is missing too. So I started to rip and tear all of my dresses and leggings and tights apart. I tear them to shreds and scatter them across the room like confetti. I know eventually someone will come in and stop my destruction when the hear me, so I knock my dresser over and push it in front of my door. I shove my mattress off my bed destroy the pink sheets and then I start to destroy everything else in my room, my light purple curtains ripped from the wall, my stuffed animals in tattered peices, my perfume bottles smashed, the shower curtain torn down, the mirror shattered, a hole punched through my closet door, the bookcase tipped and moved to block my door as well, the chandelier on the floor in a few million peices, fairytale books and books about etiquette and other princess bullshit scattered across the room with pages missing, the hot pink walls now have paint missing in large patches where I could peal it off, the only thing that isn't destroyed is my mattress at this point.
My parents are banging on the door and furiously yelling at me to let them in. I know their threats are empty though because they can't get to me if they can't even get in the door. I stop and take a breath. Then I look to the window again, I've already stopped caring about my safety as obvious by the fact that my room is covered in broken glass, so I decide if the boards won't come off I'll just have to go through them. I take a few steps back and then run forward and ram myself into the wood. Nothing happened so I do it again. I still get nothing and my parents are starting to slowly move my barricade. So I go to where my shower curtain once stood and grab the rod it hung on. I shove it into the small space between where the boards connect to each other as hard as I can, I hear the window crack. I grabbed onto the other end of the rod and pushed it down as hard as I could, using all my bodyweight to push until the board flew off and I fell. That's when I noticed that they boarded up both sides. I keep going, getting all the boards on my side off, I hear my fathers load voice screaming at me as the barricade keeps moving ever so slightly. I break open the window and start prying off the wood on the outside. As I start the last board I look over just in time to see my mother sliding in through a small area of space they made between the door and the wall, so I jumped out the window not caring how bad I'd be hurt in the fall. When I landed, I lost feeling in my arm and my right leg was twisted painful the wrong way at the knee. I didn't have time to stop though so I quickly and very painfully shoved my knee back to the place where it belongs and pushed through the pain as I started running as far away as I could. I knew they were chasing me and I knew they would catch up with me eventually. I keep going and veer off into the woods and start climbing a tree, of course I don't make it very far since I'm climbing one handed but luckily it works. They can't see me and they've lost my trail, running right past the tree I climbed. That's when I start running out of adrenaline I feel really tired and eventually I start drifting off to sleep.

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