Chapter 20

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Max's P.O.V.

I look at Jack again, his wounds have healed, his eyes seem darker, his faded hair is growing out again, and he's shorter than me now. As I start to walk away from him I mentally prepare myself to go after him as soon as I get back to the house. I sent him in the direction I saw a knight walk in earlier when I was watching out the window. I know I shouldn't have done that to him but I know from the way he's been talking he hasn't even thought of dying, he wants us to leave and come back but if we run we will be running for forever. So I'm going to walk to a store, steal a few meals worth of food, then run back to the house to drop it off and go save him from his castle. I walk through the streets blanketed in leaves and wonder how long I should really be gone before going after him. I walk and wonder until I walk right into another person.
"Sorry." I say quietly with my face down, as I go to walk around the person they step in front of me again.
"Stop right there." The person says in a firm voice, I look up and see a knight's helmet. My fear starts rising as another knight joins the first one.
"Where are you going kid?" The night asks.
"I'm just heading to the store for some food, my father is sick you see so-" I'm cut off.
"Why are you wearing a mask?" The second knight asks.
"I'm getting ready for Halloween, is that a problem?" I ask.
"Sorry kid, we need to see your face. We're searching for some dangerous people and the royal kids. You can wear your mask tomorrow." The knights tell me, one starts to take my skeleton mask off my face and I gasp.
The second my face is revealed I slash their throats with my daggers and watch them fall to the ground. More knights run towards me and I run away but as I reach the end of the street I'm on more knights run around the corner and trap me, I try to run in a different direction but I'm grabbed by the hood of my sweater and shoved to the ground. There's a knight on top of me cuffing my hands together and putting a potato sack over my head. He pulls me up harshly and a cop comes around and me and two knights get in his cop car. The cop drives us to my castle and when the cop and knights get out, pulling me out with them, I see the door of the castle open. I'm brought in and pushed down to a kneeling position in front of my father.
"Who is this criminal you've brought me?" I hear his loud voice ask. The cop pulls the sack off my head and I growl as I look up at my father, fury burning in my eyes and hatred rising up through me.
"Alice?!" He asks, with a shocked look on his face.
"MY NAME IS NOT FUCKING ALICE!" I screamed back at him. His face is now a mix of confusion, fear, and anger.
"Young lady! You-" he starts again in his loud voice, I cut him off.
"I am NOT a LADY! I am a MAN! My name is Max and I will not stay here any longer!" I shout, he's pissed now.
"You are no man." He says, "take her to the asylum, she is obviously hysterical! She will be treated and locked in a loony bin until she is sane again!" He finishes. The knights start dragging me back to the door as I struggle, I can't be locked up I just can't! Especially not now, I, no, we, need to be back to the house by Halloween! I need to rescue Jack! I struggle more as I'm shoved back into the cop car and we start driving to the mental asylum.

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