Chapter 21

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Jack's P.O.V.

Fuck. The knight I ran into looks at me.
"What are you doing?" The knight asks, another knight standing with him turns to look at me too.
"I'm sh-shopping, I need t-to get this f-food home to my, uh, s-sick brother!" I make something up on the spot, stuttering as I say it. I'm trying my best not to cry.
"What's with the mask?" The other knight asks.
"I-it's spooky season! I'm j-just being f-festive!" I reply, still stuttering out of fear.
"Sorry kid, but we're looking for some people so you have to take your mask off. You can wear it again on Halloween." The first knight tells me, she reaches for my mask but I turn and run before she can grab it.
They shout to me from a distance as they chase me, just when I think I'm losing them a cop car pulls up in front of me. I grab the sword I have and swing it around in fear, but the cops in the car point their guns at me.
"Drop the weapon!" They shout, the knights have caught up now, I'm surrounded. I drop the sword and put my hands on my head. The cops come up and put my hands in cuffs, they take my mask off too. They share a glance as they look from me to each other and put me in the cop car. We pull up to my castle and I'm pulled out and brought inside and thrown down in front of my parents.
"Charlie?" My mother asks in a worried voice, she rushes up to me.
"Where on earth have you been?!" My father shouts to me.
"I was," I stop. I know I can't tell them because they'd find Max, then I realize if he is caught he'll be arrested for murder. "I was out killing your knights, I stole from the castles, I murdered people, I ran away, and I never gave a single shit." I tell them, it's a lie and I know I'll be imprisoned for it, but I can't let them get Max. We deserve to be happy, we worked so hard for it. One of us has to live happily ever after.
"Get away from him." My father says to my mother in a firm tone.
"No!" She shouts back as a knight pulls her away from me.
"You have committed many crimes against the kingdom! You stole from the royal families! You murdered many knights! You committed treason! You shall be locked in the dungeon for ten years, hopefully by then you will be ready to rejoin the rest of the family again and society." My father shouts. I'm dragged away by the knights, put in an orange jumpsuit, and thrown into the dark, cold, empty dungeon. I start looking for anything I can use as a weapon or lock pick or anything that could help get me out. Theres nothing but a thin mattress and a metal toilet. I grab the bars and start shaking them as hard as I can. Nothing happens, I'm really stuck here, I'm never getting out. I start to panic and cry. I bang on the wall, I scream, I cry, I push the bars, and eventually I tire myself out and fall asleep on the ground out of exhaustion.

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