Chapter 3

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Charlie's P.O.V.

I see Alice start heading to the dance floor with red riding hood from the kitchen where I'm getting a cup of what I'm sure is some extra sugary juice from the light blue color of it with a boy with sapphire eyes and hair the color of tree branches in a suit with a masquerade mask on. He brought me to the kitchen when I asked for a drink a few minutes ago.
"So, what's your real name Dracula?" He asks. For a moment I wonder if I should really tell him my real name, eventually I decide against it.
"Jack," I lied, "and you are?"
"Michael." He replies.
We make small talk in the kitchen having drinks for about an hour and a half, from the feeling I'm getting I'm starting to realize this punch probably isn't alcohol free. Eventually Michael notices me glancing over at Alice and riding hood and asks something I didn't think anybody ever would.
"So do you have the hots for the girl or the guy?" He asked.
"What?" I wonder if I even heard him right at first.
"You keep looking over at the mummy and little red over there, so which one do you have a crush on?" He asks, stating it more clearly.
I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or the fact that I was actually being treated like a normal teenager that gave me the confidence to say what I did but I told him.
"You." I answered.
"Really? Jack, you don't even know me!" Michael exclaimed.
"And you don't know me." I replied.
"So maybe we should start to know each other." I continued.
I sobered up as soon as his lips hit mine, I closed my eyes and kissed back. When we pulled away he started pulling me toward the stairs by the front of the house, I had no clue how far this was about to go and I was about to protest, until we got to the end of the hall at the top of the stairs and he opened the window. He pulled himself out and started to climb up and I followed close behind. When we finally stopped climbing we were on top of the roof and he was staring at the back yard which led into a forest area that went on for forever, just never ending miles of trees. When we looked up there was an endless sky of bright stars there to greet us.
"This is where I come to get away from the world whenever I want to." He tells me.
"You can usually find me here. It's my favorite place to hang out." He continued.
"It's the best place I think I've ever been." I reply, wishing I could stay here forever.
"I always wanted to be normal." I finished.
"Me too." He replies as he kisses me again.
This is the best moment of my life, and I wish it would never end.

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