Chapter 7

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Jack's P.O.V.

When I get to my room I realize why he kept me out. There are thick metal bars on either side of my window. They're screwed in tight with big screws, those aren't going anywhere. I go to open the door, but of course it's locked. I stare at the squares of sunlight on the floor made by the shadow of the bars. I'm truly trapped here. I start to cry, I can't stay here! I have to get out, I have to go find Max, I have get away from this castle, I have to get away from my family, I have to go see Michael again, I don't care if he's dead, I don't care if I'm crazy, I have to go see him again! I'm still crying. I don't know how I'll ever get out of here. Wait, if I'm in danger, they'll have to let me out! They'd never let me die, they need an heir to the throne! Now I know what to do. I look all over my room for anything that could hurt me, any sharp object I can find. Nothing. So I go to the bars, put my hand through one of the squares, and push. I push and push and push. I'm about to give up, when I here a crack. I push harder and my hand goes through with a shattering sound and I feel the blood dripping down my hand. Theres a jagged hole in the window, I grab one of the big sharp points and start to pull it off. Pull, pull, pull, crack! It comes off and I pull my hand back through the bars. I stab myself in the side in a place where my organs wont get hit, but I could still bleed out. Now I have to get they're attention, I use the unstabbed side of my body to bang into the wall. Bang, bang, bang, bang, click! I hear the door unlock and open, as I start to lose my energy and fall the the floor. I hear my mother yell something, though I can't tell what it is, as I drift off to sleep wondering if I'll ever wake up again.

Max's P.O.V.

I wake up, still sitting in the tree I was in when I fell asleep. The sun is still out, but lower now and I can't tell if it's still the same day or not. I see red and blue lights flashing in the distance in the direction of the castle, they're probably looking for me. I want to go back to the house from Halloween, but I know I should go get Jack first. I start to climb down and get the painful reminder that my arm is likely broken. When I get to the bottom I sit down and take some wrapping from the arms of my dirty mummy costume that I never changed out of and use them to wrap some of my wounds and make myself a sling for my arm. I get up and start to walk, slowly and painfully, to Jack's castle, I stay off the path to make sure I don't get caught. I find the secret path through the hedges and go through there, hoping that his parents still don't know about it. When I get to the end, I make sure nobody can see me before I climb to the barred window. When I get to the window I see a jagged hole and bloody glass, I look through into the room and see more blood. Shit. If he hurt himself he's probably in the hospital by now. I climb down. I know I won't be able to go to a hospital right now or I'll be caught, I could be a patient and we could get out together but I might just get trapped again. Plus, a cast would be suspicious. I go back into the woods to stay hidden and start off towards the hospital. When I get close I step out of the safety of the trees and use a large stick to write "JACK" on the ground. I write it in big letters and I carve it deep into the ground, I also add an arrow that points into the woods. I then shove the stick into the dirt and tear a strap of the costume off my leg and tie it around the top of the stick so he knows it's from me. I go back to the woods and hide in a tree not far from the hospital and wait.

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