Chapter 18

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Max's P.O.V.

It's been a couple months now since I murdered those knights. The leaves are coming back to the trees and we've planted our seeds to grow. It's not bad living here, we have friends and lovers, and freedom. I'm sitting in the kitchen right now hanging out with Clyde, Jack is off somewhere probably playing games with Samual, who I've recently learned was stoned to dead a long time ago.
"Clyde?" I look at him, he returns the look.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"The costume contest is rigged right?" I ask back.
"Yeah, basically I look around at who's having a lot of fun with certain people and my pick gets narrowed down to whoever comes up. I chose the person I think would be the best to stay. Usually they die by the end of the night, if they don't they must have some real luck on their side." He tells me.
"Have two people ever won before?" I ask, he looks at me and smiles.
"Not yet, but I'm guessing next Halloween you plan to change that huh?" He asks, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah." I answer.
"Alright, on Halloween I'll get someone to dig your graves for you. All you have to do is be here in time to be chosen as the winners, die, and be buried since the dead can't bury people until it's Halloween." He says. I smile at that, I know we'll be here on Halloween so it won't be a problem.
A few weeks go by and our crops have started growing, we have tomatoes and strawberries already. A few more weeks and we have enough food to eat every day again. By the time June comes around, we're doing pretty well for ourselves. We don't really leave the house anymore, but we don't really need to either.
Then one day we get a knock on our door.
Knock knock.
When I open it, I find a police officer is at the door.
"Can I come in?" He asks, I step aside and shut the door. Jack comes down and I see the fear in his face.
"You two should really be going home now kids." The officer says, I'm starting to panic.
"W-what do you mean sir?" I ask. He looks from me to Jack and back to me.
"I had a report that the royal kids were spotted out in the woods near here, so we've been going door to door looking for you kids or whoever might have taken you. Come on I gotta take you home." He informs us, I start to reach for my daggers again.
"We aren't-" I start, but Clyde comes in and cuts me off.
"Take who where now?" He asks as he stares at the officer. I stop what I'm doing.
"Stop right there sir, I'm gonna have to take you in for kidnapping these kids." The officer says firmly.
"You...think I... kidnapped my OWN kids?" He asks slowly, gesturing from the officer to himself and lastly to us. I guess being dead gives you the right to make fun of cops?
"Your kids? They look to me like the missing royal kids." The cop states.
"No way, you must be going blind! These are my sons, Jack and Max. We ain't anywhere near rich. You think the real prince Charlie and Princess Alice would wear dirty and tattered rags like these? Or stay in a place like this dump? Hell no! If you got that kinda money you are buying nice clothes and fleeing the country." He explains, I have to try pretty hard not to laugh at that.
"Well if-" the officer starts, Clyde cuts him off.
"Hell, neither of them are even girls! Which one of these boys do you believe is a princess? Huh? How dumb do you have to be? Royalty living here, pfft, he lost his head I tell you! That head is long gone, it is in the clouds good sir! Now if you will excuse me I have to make my boys here some lunch, so unless you got a warrant, you should be leaving." Clyde says, mocking the cop some more. He gives Clyde an angry look but does end up leaving.
"Holy shit Clyde, that was hilarious!" I tell him.
"High five." He says, I go to high five him and stumble for my balance as my hand phases through his. He laughs.
"Very funny." I say, in mock annoyance. I'm just glad nobody had to die today.

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