Chapter 19

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Jack's P.O.V.

I keep hearing about cops and knights looking for us. They're looking for us, a kidnapper, murderers and thieves. They don't realize we are the thieves and killers. The news is getting worse each day, they're close to finding us. I just hope we can make it until Halloween, if we have to leave for a while after that I don't care. We can hide out for a while and come back, right?
The leaves on the trees are starting to turn colors and our crops are starting to die out. We need to get more food eventually but hopefully we can get our crops to last for a while longer. As time goes on the less food we have. Max says we can make it last about a month's time. If its September 28th now, in a month it'll be October 27th or 28th, we'll need more food then. I look at Max, his hair is slightly longer and dirty, his arm has healed by now and he's taller than me.
"They're getting closer to finding us, shouldn't we get more food before they get too close? If we get it now we can stock pile it for a while even after Halloween." I ask Max.
"No, if we went now and stole a bunch of food they'd know its us. If it's close to Halloween we can wear masks and bring our weapons, they'll think we're just normal asshole teens." He tells me. I know he's right, but I don't want to bring my weapon at all. I don't want to hurt anybody.
A month rolls around and the leaves from the trees litter the ground. The food lasts a couple more days but we run out the night before October 30th, just before Halloween.
"We should get more food tomorrow." Max says as he finishes his meal.
"Yeah." I replied blankly.
The next day we got our bags and put on our masks, Max grabs his daggers and grabs another sword from a closet. It's the sword I used to kill the guard in the treasury room, he hands it to me and I reluctantly take it. When we step outside Max tells me the plan.
"Okay, we need to split up so if one of us does get caught the other can come to the rescue." He tells me.
"Why? Wouldn't we be safer together?" I ask.
"If we split up we're less likely to be caught since they'll expect us to be together. Plus, if one person is caught the other has time to get ready to save them. Not to mention going to different stores means they'll have more supplies for each of us." He says. I don't want to split up, but I know I can trust him. Max has always been there for me.
"Okay." I reply.
"You go that way, I'll go this way." He says, he points left and then right. So I go and leave him behind as I walk towards the town. I hope nothing bad happens. When I get to the store I grab some food and start shoving cans into my bags as fast as I can, I start running when the cashier yells at me knowing what I'm doing. I run out the door and into the street and straight into a person.
"I'm so sorry!" I say as I step back. Then I look up and find myself looking at a knights helmet.

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