Chapter 21

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I am not even going to be thinking about some lame excuses for the late update because you already know what I will be saying.



*Katlyn's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and singing melodiously, sunlight peeking through my window illuminating my room with natural brightness and I could hear children playing around happily in the park nearby.

Nah... I was just kidding. I woke up to the sound of something crashing loudly against the floor. Then it crashed again; then again; and again.

From what I could hear, the sound seems to be coming from the kitchen. I groggily got up and went down to check what the commotion was about.

And of course, it had to be the little bitch.


He was standing with wide eyes, mouth agape, arms outstretched in front of him, butt pushed back a little, wearing only his boxers.

Just what I wanted to witness early in the morning. Broken porcelain dishes scattered around him.

I carefully sneaked up to him, hooked two of my fingers in his boxers, pulling it quickly and making it snap against his back as hardly as possible.

"Ow!", he screamed and jumped, rubbing his back and whipped around with shocked eyes. The moment he saw me though, his shock automatically turned into anger. No surprise there.

"Oh, it's on.", he said with an evil smirk. "You're as fast as a turtle when it comes to running. Therefore, I'm giving you the privilege of 10 seconds head start and it starts now."

I didn't take a chance . So, I started running out of the kitchen and out of the house in best speed. I could already hear him just behind me. Damn it. Curse you all the fast runners! I screamed for my life like a retard as I tried to run away from him.

I don't even want to think about how I will be looking right now. My bed hair that exactly resembles a bird's nest, screaming with my mouth wide open, wearing my PJs which are too big on me and my face twisted in the most horrendous expression.

Just as I did that, I saw Aaron coming out of his house with baseball bat in one hand and a cooking pan on the other, wearing a grey wife-beater and red boxers.

Obviously he thought someone was trying to harass a woman and wanted to be her knight in shining armour. Too bad, big boy it's just me. Maybe you could save me from the brat. When he saw it was just me, all his excitement to beat the living shit out of the person who made the 'unknown' woman scream was all gone and was placed with disappointment.

While I was oh so discreetly trying to check out Aaron, the bitch had slammed me to the ground by jumping on me.

"You ass! Get off me fatty! I'm dying!"

Like he's gonna listen to me and get off.

I looked at Aaron for help. But what does he do? Oh no no no, he just smirked and waved at me before literally skipping off inside with a sickly sweet smile.

After 12 minutes, 42 seconds, 17 milliseconds, I pushed him off me with a great battle. Man, I feel like I won the world war.


Our exams were fast approaching like a bullet train. I was putting my heart and soul into it. I really want to get a good job, meaning, my marks should be really high. I barely had any time to go out with my friends to do anything. But they, themselves were struggling hard with the finals preparation.

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