Chapter 7

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* Katlyn's P.O.V *

I woke up next day at eleven because it was a Saturday and I don't give two shits. I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom to do my usual routine and wore my red racer-back tank top with a grey sweatpants. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to see Aiden playing with Bells.

"YOU JERK!", I exclaimed laughing and ran up to him to give him a bone-crushing hug. 

"Oh I feel so welcomed!", he said dramatically. I punched him lightly in his arm and said, "God! How did you manage to grow so tall Aiden?".

He grew like 4 to 5 inches taller than from the last time I saw him. He was actually two inches shorter than me before but now he looks like the Eiffel tower.  He just shrugged in reply.

"So, you excited for Uni? First year and all", I ask him wiggling my eyebrows. " Yeah a bit." he replied.

I walk across him to get the cereal box from the cabinet and go to the refrigerator to get some milk for my cereal. I close the door of the fridge and find a sticky note on it. By its font, I found that mom wrote it. It said :

Hey honey,

Sorry dear,we came home at midnight and had to leave  again at six in the morning because of some emergency. I've left some money in the kitchen counter for food and whatever. I want you to go invite the Black family for lunch tomorrow. Okay then, Bye Katlyn. We love you.


                                              Mom and Dad.

I throw the note in the trashcan and make my way towards dining table to eat my breakfast. Meanwhile, I made some conversations with Aiden.

After that, we lazed around in lounge room watching movies and playing wii. We ordered pizza for lunch and hogged the food like dogs. At around three in the afternoon, I went to the neighbours house and rang the doorbell. The door was opened by none other than the Greek God himself wearing a white wife-beater and black sweatpants.

"H-Hey! Is Anna there?" I ask him, more like stuttered.

"No. She's gone to her work. Is there anything I should tell her?" He asks with a straight face. He can smile a bit.

"umm... Yeah. My parents want me to invite y-you and Anna for lunch tomorrow." I tell him. God! Why am I always stuttering to him?!

"Oh okay. I'll tell her when she gets back and we'll be there tomorrow at 1p.m."

"That will be great" I tell him.

We stand there awkwardly for a few minutes not knowing what to say next. I decide to break the awkwardness and tell him,

"You played really well yesterday!" I said and it truned out that I was digging my own grave.

"I found that out when you screamed my name yesterday!" He said smirking. I blush scarlet red and felt like I wanted to just get swallowed by the ground at that time.

I start to stutter, "I-I-I" He cuts me off and says with a genuine smile, "I found it cute. Anyways, thanks." I blush even more and say, "okay. Then, bye!" ,

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