Chapter 5-Airplane Talks

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I woke up four hours later still feeling tired. What the heck I slept for four hours? It only felt like ten minutes to me. I stood up to stretch and to go to the bathroom for real this time.

I finished washing my hands then splashed my face with cold water to wake me up a bit more. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is a mess!! I spent another two minutes just to fix it then left the bathroom. I was going back to my seat when I realized almost everybody was asleep. I mean who wouldn't this was an early flight which did mean waking up early to catch the flight.

I sat back on my seat then opened the cover that was covering the window. We were somewhere in the middle of America I'm guessing since I see mountains and lots of land right below. The view was amazing. I pulled my knees to my chest and continued to look at the view.

The seat right next to me was once again occupied and the best part was it was Cameron again." Enjoying the view?" he asked with a deep voice. I nodded my head, I'm guessing he just woke up too because of his ruffled hair and very deep voice.

"You don't say much do you?" he asked.

"I'm sorry" I replied a blush forming on my cheek.

"Don't be" he smiled."So.....Darren right?" I nodded."Are you moving to L.A. or are you just visiting?" Shoot what do I tell him.

"Well I guess both." I answered back.

"What do you mean" he asked a little confused.

"" I looked at his friends they were still sleeping."Don't worry you can tell me and don't worry about the guys too they won't be interrupting us this time since they are heavy sleepers." Ok I'll just tell him.

"Well I kinda ummm ran away." I looked away from him a little embarrassed

"How come? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He is so sweet. Do I want to tell him? I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

"Well I just had enough with all the disrespect and abuse I got from my foster family, so I decided I had enough and ran away this morning while they were sleeping." I saw the look on his face and looked both angry and concerned."What do you mean abuse?" he asked.

"Well I guess getting beaten up from my foster dad who is drunk which happens to be all the time when I didn't even do anything wrong." He looked really interested in what my life was.

"What about your foster mom, did you have any siblings?" Do I want to keep telling him? why not he already knows a lot.

"Seriously I think the only reason they adopted me was so I can be their personal slave, so basically my foster mom and my foster sisters couldn't care less when I got beaten." A tear fell from cheeks and into my hand. I quickly wiped my tears and looked away from him.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" he asked. I turned around and he quickly gave me hug catching me off guard. This is the first time I have ever felt safe, he was so warm and comforting I wouldn't care if we stayed like this the whole flight.

We stayed like that for a few more seconds before he let go of me and we started to talk some more but nothing about my past.

Turns out we have a lot of things in common. His favorite color is blue. He was born September 8 while I was born September 24. He's 17 too but going to turn 18 soon since its already August."So Darren do you have any special talents?" He asked with curiosity.

"Well um let's see here...I can kind of play the violin.".

"What do you mean kind of?" he asked with a slight chuckle.

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