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"Sweets wake up." Zach whispered in my ear while playing with my hair.

"Mmm five more minutes." I groaned pulling the covers higher over me.

"Why not." He asked and I sighed.

"I didn't sleep good last night." I mumbled opening my eyes and liking at him.

"Why not."

"I'm kinda missing Canada I haven't seen my mom and dad in a while and I miss them and my annoying brother." I smiled and he nodded.

"Are you ready to go home." He asked and I shrugged.

"I mean I don't want to but I miss it I want to show off my ring to all my friends and make them jealous I want to tell my mom and see her face when I tell her my dad of course won't be happy but then will come to terms with it." I smiled and he nodded brushing a pice of hair behind my ear.

"When are you combing back." He asked and I looked deep in his eyes. How do I tell him I don't want to go to school. How do I ask him if I can move in. "Sweets you still here."

"Yeah I definitely don't want to be gone long and I have a proposal for you now that we're engaged how bout I move in." I asked terrified of his response but what came out of his mouth next made me the happiest ever.

"This is your home now to sweets our room our bed our closet our dresser our bathroom but what about school do you still want to go."

"I don't think so yes I'd miss the college experience but I'd rather lay here in bed with you with a black silk sheet draped over our bodies than sit in a classroom in a chair for 4 hours just being lectured on things that might not even mattered things I might not ever use a day in my life." I smiled and he nodded.

"Then while you're gone I'll make room in the closet and dresser and still make great music for you." He smiled and kissed my nose.

"I wish you could come this time." I sighed and he nodded.

"I do to sweets but you didn't answer my question how many days are you going to be gone." He asked and I smiled.

"Well I have to catch up with everyone and say my goodbyes so maybe a whole 7 days." I smiled and he nodded.

"I'll book you flight if you want to leave around this week." He sighed and I nodded.

"Today's Wednesday so make it for Friday." I smiled and he nodded.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now