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Zach's instagram

Zach's instagram

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Imzachherron: she claiming wifey❤️❤️ @megan_brook

Megan_brook: my babe❤️
Wdwstan:so cute.
I.lovewdw: they had sex on prom night😂
Jackaverymusic: not yet
Corbynbesson:tstststs @i.lovewdw

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Megan's instagram

Megan's instagram

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Megan_brook: 3 years and I'll be Mrs.Herron love you@imzachherron

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When I post about me and Zach I get a lot of hate so anytime I post about me and Zach wether it's just a tag or a picture I disable the comments. I've always got hate but when it's about my relationship it just it's fucked up. I can't stand when someone puts themselves in your relationship.

"Girl you know I love it when I'm next to you." Zach sang with the music. I smiled watching him dance with the music over to me.

"Oh babe." I smiled shaking my head watching his steps inch closer to me.

"So baby let me cartier to you." Zach smiled picking me up and pushing me further up on the bunk.

"Baby the guys will come back soon." I giggled feeling his lips catch my neck.

"And they know better to bother us on our anniversary." He smiled looking up at me.

"Yeah and why aren't we at a hotel or something." I asked running my fingers through his hair.

"Because we are still on tour I mean I could go get one but it's a waste of money when we are alone for a few hours." He smiled and kissed me. His lips danced down to my neck then my shirt coller or his shirt coller. He ripped the shirt open sending buttons flying. I giggled feeling his lips connect to my bare chest.

Zach finds my giggles adorable when he kisses me. I'm very ticklish but Zach likes it unlike everyone else that I dated most guys wouldn't have sex with me because I giggled and some wanted to take advantage of me so I saved it. And I'm so glad Zach's the one to take my virginity. I know he was glad about it because no one can take that from us.

"Oh sweets how you make me so happy don't ever leave me." Zach whispered running his hand over my cheek thinking I was asleep. "I need you forever and always."

A tear slipped down his face and onto my hand and he wiped it away.

"I'm not going anywhere Zach never." I smiled opening my eyes.

"You were supposed to be asleep." He sighed and I kissed him.

"I was almost there I'll never leave you Zach no matter how many fights we get into I'll tolerate all of you because I love you you Zachary dean Herron and my dad won't push me away from you the only reason why I'd leave you is if you steal from me lie to me or cheat on me as long as you're not doing that you're mine forever and always."

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now