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Who knew being pregnant was so exhausting-me
I'm sorry baby-Zach
I'll be back-me
Where-never mind-Zach
I'm back-me
So what did the doctors say-Zach
Oh yeah well I'm 14 weeks and we are having twins one of each-me
Two already-Zach
Yeah two red headed twins-me
We don't know that their gonna be red headed yet-Zach
Zach there's a big chance their red headed-me
I need to get some sleep I'll call you tomorrow-me
Night sweets-Zach
Goodnight my love-me

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Megan_Herron: 14 weeks today.❤️

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Zach's instagram

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Imzachherron: 14 weeks today with my beautiful sweets. You are one of a kind and honestly amazing all around can't wait to get back home and hold you. Megan_Herron❤️

Jackaverymusic: happy for you bro who knew you'd be here today.
Megan_herron: oh my love.
Wdwstan: boy or girl.
Imzachherron: we're having twins and one of each❤️. @wdwstan

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I laid down on the bed and Oreo jumped up from beside me and laid on my lap placing his head on my stomach.

"What is it Oreo." I smiled petting him light. "Ow oh owww."

I move him off of me and feel my stomach the babies aren't kicking. Their not contractions they can't be. I put on my shoes and grab my bag and phone and walked downstairs. I walk out the front door and get in the car and call Zach.

That was fast-Zach
Somethings happening-me
What do you mean somethings happening-zach
I mean something isn't right with my pregnancy-me
Like we might not be pregnant-Zach
I'm definitely pregnant but I might be losing the babies-me
Oh I'll be home as soon as I can Okay-Zach
You don't-me
I need to be there for you sweets they are my kids to-Zach
I know but you're on tour-me
And it can wait sweets I'm coming home-Zach
Don't fucking argue with me about this Megan-Zach
Okay I'll see you soon-me
See ya soon love you-zach
Love you to my love-me

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now