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"Oh my beautiful sweets." Zach mumbled while lifting me off the ground. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you to love." I smiled looking at him running my fingers through his hair. He set me on the ground and kissed me.

"Megan." The guys said while hugging me.

"Guys." I smiled running my fingers through my hair. "Come in meet my family hopefully my dad likes you all."

"Oh don't do that again Megan you gave me a heart attack the first day I got here." Zach mumbled grabbing my hand following me inside.

"MOM." I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"She's doing her hair she'll be down in a sec I'm Caleb the better looking kid." Caleb smiled while walking downstairs.

"Hey Caleb where's your girlfriend." I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh shut it." Caleb growled walking to the kitchen.

"How old is he." Jonah asked and I looked down.

"We are not talking about the height-."

"I'm 16." Caleb yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm a midget okay I get it but we don't have to talk about it." I mumbled nodding the guys to follow me to the living room.

"So what do you do here in Canada." Jack asked sitting on the couch and I laughed.

"Well there's like four parties tonight um we can go eat-oh there's a drift spot." I chuckled sitting on the ground crossing my legs.

"Drift spot." Zach asks confused.

"Yeah we didn't have a car or anything to use during it but um now we do so yeah." I chuckled leaning on the wall.

"So you two did nothing while Zach was here." Corbyn asked and we nodded.

"For the most part we did go out to eat a lot but there was one time-." Zach started but I nudged him to stop. "What."

"My mom is upstairs and she hears everything." I whispered and he nodded.

"I forgot about that." Zach whispered and the guys looked at us confused. "We'll tell you later."

"Alright so are going to Amy's party or not." Caleb asked walking in the living room.

"You are not going and nobody likes Amy." I laughed and he nodded. "But you still can't go but there is a party a going away party for college kids and I just so happen to know the guy that's throwing it wanna come."

"Hell yeah." Jack smiled and the guys nodded.

"Great it starts at 9 but we get there at 10." I smiled rubbing the corner of my eye.

"Mmm Yeah you're one of those people." Daniel smiled and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm never early you all know that." I laughed putting my head on Zach's shoulder.

"Or we could all hang out tonight watch movies eat pizza and popcorn I mean we've been traveling it'd be nice to just hang out you know." Corbyn said looking at all of us.

"Oooo I think that sounds even better but it is up to Megan what ever she wants to do." Jack smiled pointing to me.

"I'd love to stay in actually but you guys decide it doesn't matter I can do either." I smiled and they looked at each other.

"How bout we go out for dinner then we come back and watch movies." Daniel suggested and they all nodded.

"That sounds good I'll go get dressed and there is a list of places that Caleb has in his room so go get it." I said kicking Caleb lightly with my foot.

"Fine." Caleb sighed and walked upstairs.

"What's the best place to eat Zach." Jack asked looking at Zach.

"There's this family diner that Megan took me two like my second day here uh it's called Mrs.Annas right." Zach said looking st me and I nodded.

"Yeah it's really good I've been going there since I was little and they have an amazing bacon burger Jack you'd love it." I smiled and they nodded.

"Okay then I guess we're going." Jonah laughed and I stood up.

"I'll be back." I smiled walking upstairs. I changed into black skinny jeans no holes and a white Gucci hoodie and Gucci tennis shoes. I walked back downstairs and the guys were laughing with my dad and mom.

"Hey honey." My dad smiled and I nodded.

"So you're just gonna act like nothing's going on between with me and you how I spend hours talking about everything between me and Zach mmm so that's the game we're game we're gonna play now." I growled walking in the living room putting my hands in my pockets.

"You're only 18 how do you know Zach gonna stick around huh." Dad asked and I bit my tongue.

"With all due respect if I may say that Zach's done nothing but love and treat your daughter with respect trust me Zach's not going to leave her even if he did he'd hate himself for it their serious about this engagement but if their smart it won't happen until their 20 or at least 19 and been together a lot longer." Jonah said looking between my dad me and Zach.

"Yeah um she's made my life so much better I couldn't imagine living without her crazy to think that but she is the love of my life and even if we don't work and that's a huge if I'll love her till the day I die." Zach said while looking me dead in the eyes. "I'll never let her go or do anything to hurt her and I do I give you permission to hit me."

"Well glad to hear it but I was going to do it anyway but do you realize how much you're taking from her life she won't be going to college she'll never move back to Canada and she won't have anytime with us her blood because she's going with you guys to travel the world." My dad snarled and I sighed.

"Dad the only reason I was going to go to college to be a journalist to travel the world Zach's not holding me back from anything I wasn't already gonna do." I growled crossing my arms over my chest.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now