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Wedding day omg just a heads up you might cry.

(4 hours before)

I'm calm people are doing my hair and my making. Going over my vows thinking it wasn't gonna be hard to get married. But all I can think about is if I get cold feet or he gets cold feet. My dad actually came that surprised me. My mom and all my bridesmaids are just being ever dramatic. Oh my god my babies getting married. How are you getting married before me. Are you doing this because you're pregnant. All the questions just washed over me and it started making me more nervous.

"Just shut the fuck up before i have a panic attack." I yelled getting up from my chair and walking out the door. I walked to the churches restroom to catch my breath and to be alone for a bit. It was 10 minuets before I went back in. I sat back down in my chair and took a deep breath. My mom left and my bridesmaids started doing their stuff to get dressed.

Zach's pov

(4 hours before)

I sat down with the guys and talked they were calming me down. I never thought this day would come when I married my best friend she's everything I'd ever want. Ever need. I'm surprised she hasn't left my ass. She's out up with me for three years I guess that means anything's possible.

"Gentlemen may I speak to Zach alone." Megan's dad Paul said from the door. The guys nodded and walked out of the room. Paul walked in and sat down in front of me. "Nervous."

"Yes sir." I whispered wiping my sweaty palms on the couch.

"You should be it's your wedding day." He chuckled and I sighed. "I had my doubts I really did but seeing her happy is the thing I live for she's my only daughter don't mess up with her Zachary I'm only giving her away once."

"Trust me I don't wanna mess up but everything I say once I say it I feel stupid for saying it because I'm stupid I'm not romantic that's not the guy i am that's all my friends they plan a lot for us I don't know where I'd stand without them with your daughter i want nothing more than to make her the happiest." I smiled looking at my hands.

"Then I should be on my way." He smiled and walked out the door.

Megan's pov

(2 hours before)

"You look amazing honey." My dad smiled from the door.

"I haven't even put my dress on." I smiled and he nodded.

"I know but it's your wedding day your special day." He smiled walking over to me. "I'm happy for you and very proud of you for finding the one."

"Really you're not just saying that because it's my wedding day you actually mean it." I asked and he nodded.

"I wasn't okay with it at first but now I am."

Zach's pov

(It's happening)

I stood at the altar watching all the bridesmaids walk down the isle with their bouquet. They were each walked down with one of the boys. They looked pretty good not gonna lie. I just couldn't wait to see my beautiful sweets. I felt stupid being with her. Only because she's so smart she graduated from high school I dropped out. She's so beautiful perfect from head to toe the way her hair falls. But me I'm just me I only have followers I'm not the best singer in the band. I'm not the cutest I'm just me.

Megan's pov

(It happening)

(It happening)

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Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now