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Zach and I fell back on the bed after a really long day of packing then unpacking. Right now we have four spare bedrooms. We decided to make the man cave into two other bedrooms because it was to big for a man cave.

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Imzachherron: our baby till we me our own❤️ @megan_brook

Wdwfan:omg it's so cute what's its name❤️
Imzachherron: His names Oreo she let me name him❤️ @wdwfan
Megan_brook: ❤️my love
Jackaverymusic:I can babysit you know since I have it to you right.?
Megan_brook: only on date night and you have to have a supervisor😂. Jkjk @jackaverymusic

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Megan_brook: house? Done. Puppy? Done. Married? Almost. Kids? Working on it. My beautiful love. @imzachherron

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"Oh my love." I sighed watching Zach get changed.

"What." He asked walking over to the bed.

"You know those will end up on the floor by the end of the night." I laughed and he nodded.

"That is true or I make you wait till our wedding night." He smiled climbing into bed placing Oreo beside me.

"Oh you bully." I smiled putting my phone on the nightstand.

"No I'm not." He smiled and kissed me. "Goodnight sweets."

"Goodnight my love." I smiled and pecked his lips one last time. He turned off the lights and I pulled the covers over me.

I woke up and Zach and Oreo both were laying on top of me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sighed rubbing my eye. "Zach,Zach,Zach,Zach,Zach,Zachary dean Herron wake the fuck up."

"What What What got." He groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you get off of me." I laughed and he looked at me.

"You're so comfy." He mumbled wrapping his arms around me.

"Zach I got to pee." I laughed and he got off of me and I grabbed Oreo and set him on the floor and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and did what I needed to. I walked out of the bathroom and Zach was playing with Oreo.

"Good morning sweets." He smiled looking up at me.

"Good morning love." I smiled sitting beside him on the floor. "What you want for breakfast."

"I'm the three years of knowing you the only thing I've ever seen you make is chicken Alfredo." He laughed and I raised my eyebrows.

"I cooked every night on our anniversary get away and we lived with four guys plus you I wasn't gonna cook for all of you." I laughed and he shook his head.

"What if we have five kids." He asked and I laughed.

"I'm not pushing five kids out of my vagina." I giggled and he nodded.

"Yeah so three."

"Yeah three." I smiled and kissed him.

"I want pancakes and bacon." He smiled and I nodded.

"We need to go grocery shopping if you want breakfast." I laughed and he sighed.

"Yeah I forgot about that." He smiled putting his head on my lap.

"We could bring Oreo." I smiled and he hopped up.

"Go take a shower sweets we gotta go grocery shopping." He laughed and I smiled.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now