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"I can't believe you guys are leaving us." Jonah sighed giving us a hug.

"Well we are starting a chapter in our lives that needs to be written and it's not like you guys won't be at the house all the time and I'll be at the studio a lot so it's gonna be like we never left." Zach smiled closing the back of the moving truck.

"I got you guys a house warming gift Megan might get lonely while you're away on tour and at the studio and I heard you guys talking about getting one so I got you a puppy a golden doodle a golden retriever and a poodle and it's hypoallergenic I know Megan you're allergic to dogs and cats but he doesn't shed or anything." Jack smiled handing me a puppy.

"We are definitely keeping it even if Zach doesn't like it." I smiled lifting the puppy up.

"Why would I care if we keep it as long as he doesn't make you sneeze or puffy he sounds perfect." Zach smiled.

"And I got something's to go with it a few chew toys and coller and leash and a bed." Corbyn smiled handing me a big box.

"You do realize a month ago a doctor diagnosed me with dwarfism." I sighed handing Zach the box.

"That's a day to remember." Zach smiled putting the box in the truck.

"And I got a kennel I wanted to feel included." Daniel smiled.

"I got wine." Jonah said handing Zach a wine bag.

"Underage drinking." I sighed looking at Zach.

"Oh it's not the first time why so down anyway." Jonah asked confused and Zach raised his eyebrows and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh my god Megan's pregnant."

"Not yet but we're trying and I'm not allowed to drink." I sighed and Jonah took the wine back.

"Then it's not needed." He smiled and I laughed. "Damn you guys are adulting."

"Kids a house marriage a dog it's almost your wedding day guys everything's set is your dad coming." Jack asked and I nodded.

"He's invited everyone's coming even my grandparents he's the only person who hasn't turned in his rsvp so I guess not but my bridesmaids are coming tomorrow-."

"Oh my god the weddings a month away." Zach sighed and I smiled.

"I still need to get fitted for my dress and theirs." I smiled and I looked at the guys. "No hooking up with my bridesmaids either."

"Yeah Jonah you hear that-."

"Daniel and Corbyn that goes for you guys to." I laughed and they nodded.

"Yeah we seen that coming but we'll be over later to help unpack if you need us." Corbyn said while looking at his phone.

"Mmm there's gonna be nicer for the rest of the furniture so I think we're good." Zach said while giving the guys a hug again.

"Take care of him make sure you feed him we need our Zach keep him on good health." Jonah laughed while Zach got in the truck.

"I will." I smiled hugging the guys then I got in the truck.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now