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"Babe,babe,babe whatcha looking at." Zach said recording me for his Snapchat.

"I'm making brownies tonight so I'm seeing what we need but who reads ingredients right." I laughed and Zach smiled.

"Who's with us." He asked and I put the box in the shopping cart.

"Oreo." I smiled and he laid his chin on top of my head.

"How tall are you."

"4'11." I smiled.

"I'm dating a midget guys even the doctors said I was so if we have short kids it's on her." Zach laughed and I shook my head.

"You are so wrong for that." I laughed putting things in the shopping cart.

"Sweets why do we need doggie treats we're not  dogs."

"Zachary he have a puppy he needs training." I laughed and he shook his head.

"Didn't our good friends get us some."

"Yes but it wasn't stuff he'd eat this is like bacon and things." I smiled and he nodded.

"Good point." He sighed and stopped recording.

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Imzachherron: shopping with your short fiancé and wearing matching hoodies is the move❤️😩🤤. @megan_brook

Megan_brook:oh my love.
Jonahmarais: love you guys❤️
Jackaverymusic: awe so cute.
Wdwstan: I wanna meet Megan so bad❤️😫

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Megan_brook: I am very disappointed in myself😂. I'm only 4'11 this is sad. @imzachherron

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"Babe we need this." Zach said while throwing a bunch of junk food in the shopping cart.

"Not really."

"Okay you can't be engaged to your best friend move in with them and not fill the house with junk food okay that's not how we are going to operate." Zach said while pulling the shopping cart.

"Babe you do realize you don't even eat half this stuff." I laughed looking through the stuff.

"Okay but hear me out jack eats all this stuff and I may have invited the guys to dinner tonight." He smiled looking at me. I shook my head and smiled.

"What are we gonna have for dinner than babe." I asked and he shrugged.

"Junk food." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"You are the worst host ever." I sighed and he nodded.

"So what are we having." He asked and I shrugged.

"First you're gonna put all of this back and I'll think." I smiled and he sighed.


"Zachary I will call your mom." I smiled and he groaned.

"Way to be a buzz kill you know my mom would pick your side."

"Because she loves me." I smiled and he nodded.

"Yeah that's true." He smiled putting all the things back.

"Now pick two things your manager would actually kill me if I let you eat all of that."

"So that's what this is about you're scared of Daniels dad." He laughed and I nodded.

"He yelled at me for giving you a hug." I said while watching Zach pick his snacks.

"True." He smiled putting two things in the shopping cart.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now