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"Hey mom how do you feel about Zach and his friends staying here just for a night their going on tour and their making a stop here it's okay if they can't-." I started but stopped watching her look at me in a weird way I can't put my finger on that look.

"They can stay I bet it's been a while since they've had a home cooked meal by a mom but I'll have to talk to dad." She smiled and I nodded.

"Thanks can I have snack before dinner or is that still against the rules." I asked and she nodded me to the junk drawer.

"Not to much Okay." She smiled and I nodded.

"No promises."

"Yes promises or you can't have any." She chuckled and I grabbed a fruit roll up.

"My favorite." I smiled walking over to her and hugging her. I walk upstairs to my room and Caleb's laying on my bed talking to Zach. "Really dude."

"Yeah I'm getting to know my brother in law." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes sitting beside him on the bed. "Hey what are you doing you can't eat before dinner."

"Mom said I could so ha." I smiled and Zach laughed. "What are you laughing at."

"You sweets." He laughed taking a sip of his drink.

"Mm yeah-are you high." I asked looking at Caleb.

"What." Caleb asked confused.

"I smell the weed are smoking pot again."

"What's the big deal." Caleb asked laying back on my bed.

"Nothing just don't let mom find out so in that case change and wash your own clothes she will take everything away from you literally." I chuckled handing him my fruit roll up.

"Thanks bye Zach."

"Bye Caleb." Zach laughed and Caleb left. "So what you been doing all lonesome."

"Oh you asshole I haven't been alone but I've slept and watched Netflix and I've talked to you and took a shower you know boring teen stuff and my mom said you and the guys could stay but the has to ask my dad first." I smiled watching Zach play his game.

"Sweet." He laughed glancing at me then back at his tv. "You know I miss you sweets."

"I miss you two babe." I smiled taking a picture of Zach on my laptop with my phone.

"Aww come on babe do you always have to take pictures of me." He laughed and I nodded.

"I'm documenting our lives." I smiled laying back on my bed.

"Can't wait to hold you sweets." He sighed sitting the controller down and looking at me.

"Soon babe." I sighed letting a yawn slip past my lips.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now