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I landed at the airport and I can say that living in California with Zach changed me. I wouldn't wear a Gucci shirt but here I am wearing Zach's Gucci shirt with his Gucci cologne sprayed on his and I definitely would have Gucci tennis shoes either. But here I am. I'm wearing light denim fashion nova jeans that are ripped. I'm not gonna lie I look cute like dead ass I look hella cute. I had a diamond on my finger the size of a rock that my parents still don't know about. I was hoping to tell them sooner but I got busy. Zach and I haven't posted about the engagement but the guys call us endgame all the time giving the fans little hints. I slip the ring off my finger and put it in a baggie in my backpack. I walked through the airport looking for my mom and dad and brother but it was crowded.

After about 15-20 minuets of looking I found them. I walked over to them and hugged them.

"I've missed you guys." I smiled and they nodded.

"We missed you to why'd you decide to come home." My mom asked and I shrugged.

"Well I missed you guys and I was getting a little home sick and we have to talk when we get home." I smiled and my brother looked at them.

"Told you she's pregnant." Caleb sighed and I smiled shaking my head no.

"I'm not pregnant but something really life changing did happen." I smiled following my dad out. "And don't try to guess you'll ruin the surprise."


"No guessing mom." I smiled and she nodded.

"Okay now tell us what all this excitent it about." My mom asked and I put my hands behind my back slipping the ring on my finger.

"Keep in mind I'm 18 and can make my own like decisions and that Zach and i have put a lot of thought into it and we've talk through it and we know what we're getting ourselves into and dad you're going to be really pissed right off the bat and mom you're going to be surprised but happy and then Caleb you can just shove it because I'm getting married." I smiled and when I said I'm getting married I held out my hand and my moms jaw dropped.

"Oh my god that boys loaded." Was all she said.

"You're what now." My dad said mad.

"Oh shut it Paul." My mom said slapping at him and grabbing my hand. "Oh my god my little girls getting married when's the wedding."

"We haven't decided yet it's kinda just a engagement no plans yet but our honey moon will be to Hawaii." I smiled and my mom looked at me.

"So the next thing is the moving out part huh." She asked and I nodded.

"Sadly trust me my plans were to go to college come home for a few years but mom he's the one and I know you know it to." I sighed tearing up and she nodded.

"From the second you brought him up at breakfast what feels like yesterday I've known." She smiled and a tear slipped from her eye and I wiped it away.

"You're throwing away a college degree for a boy." My dad growled and I nodded.

"I know it's the worst thing to do but he's the one if you heard the way he talked to me or had my heart for a day and you were around him you'd know I ache for him every single time he leaves for the studio it's sounds so stupid but it's not we have so much support from his fans and his family and friends I know exactly what I'm doing." I said while looking at my dad. He stood and I pulled my hand away from mom and he shook his head.

"He doesn't deserve your heart he's just going to shatter it like Collin did." He growled and walked away.

"Well I think it's great I'm happy for you as long as he keeps you happy I'm all for it." Caleb smiled and I nodded.

"Thanks bro." I smiled hugging him.

"But just know I got army friends that will crush him if he hurts you." He whispered and I smiled.

"Okay but I doubt that's ever going to happen." I smiled and he nodded then walked upstairs.

"I'm so proud of you tell me how it happened." Mom smiled sitting me down on the couch then sat beside me.

"It wasn't anything romantic it was a couple days after I got there he was hyping everything up our first "I love you" but it didn't go as planed one of his friends interrupted that and then he was talking about how he was going to make me a herron one day and i teased him about what if I don't say yes and he said then I'll stay with you everyday till you say yes and then a few minutes later he said so if the question just so happened to pop up like Megan Aaron brook will you marry me and then I said well then I'd say yes Zachary dean herron I will marry you and then it was just a joke but later that week we went to a hotel to get away from the guys because we haven't had a moment to ourselves and like really late at night we started talking and I said what if the proposal wasn't fake and was confused and I was...." my voice trailed on about me telling her how the proposal went down. I wouldn't call it a proposal but I like the way it happened simple and sweet no expensive restaurant nothing big in public just me and him having a conversation.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now