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"So you two are perfectly fine after everything." Jonah asked Zach and I a few minutes before the meet and greet.

"Yes for our sake and Zane's we are better together than apart." Zach smiled and I nodded.

"Good now come on there's some fans that wanna meet Megan and Zane." Jonah smiled and I picked up Zane and Zach grabbed my hand and we walked to the meet and greet room. The fans freaked but went quite seeing Zane asleep. Zane instantly woke up and looked around and giggled.

"Gimme." Zach said holding out his hands. "Sweets come on."

"Fine." I sighed handing him Zane.

"Come on." He smiled pulling me to their photo spot.

"I feel so short next you two." I sighed looking up at Zach and Jack.

"Well I for one feel pretty tall for one." Jack smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm 4'11 jack that shouldn't be something you should be proud of." I laughed and jack nodded.

"True can you grow a few inches." He asked and I shook my head no.

"I've been the same size since I was 16 I think or 15 somewhere in there." I smiled laying my head on Zach's chest.

"I thought you'd be at least 5'4." Zach smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I told you I was short I never thought I was  a dwarf literally a dwarf." I sighed and jack nudged me a little.

"At least Zach's taller that you." Jack smiled and I nodded.


"Oh my god he's so cute." One girl smiled looking at Zane. Zane smiled and cooed.

"I think his first words are gonna be thank you." I chuckled and the girls nodded.

"He's adorable how come you didn't make his middle name match your first name or middle name initials like Zane and Zach." One asked and I looked at Zach.

"How come I never noticed this." I laughed and Zach shrugged.

"You picked his middle name not me." Zach smiled and I nodded.

"Let's day I was exhausted and didn't notice." I smiled and they nodded.

"Would you recommend having kids." One asked and I shrugged.

"Maybe I recommend having kids when you are out of school like graduated college and make sure you and husband or whoever you're with are it that place then definitely go for but if you are not in that place or younger than 18 don't do it because you don't know where you're gonna be in the next few years." I smiled giving them a wink.

"So you are actually a dwarf." One asked and I nodded.

"Sadly yes and I'm just like a centimeter away from being 4'11 I'm 4'10 and like 3/4 on an inch so it's easier to say I'm 4'11 it makes me seem taller." I smiled moving Zane in my lap.

"She told me she was 5'4." Zach smiled and i shook my head.

"I did not don't lie on my like that." I chuckled and they laughed.

"One more question way happened on prom night that is so worth keeping a secret." One asked and Zach and I looked at each other.

"Can't legally tell you and half of you are to young." Zach smiled and they nodded.

" touché." One smiled making Zane giggle.

"Oh I have a question what is yours and Zach's biggest argument about." One asked and Zach choked on his water.

"It was a few months ago and it was over I'm pretty sure weather we were going to have more kids from us or adopt one of the dumbest fights we've had but she threw a plate at me." Zach smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"A paper plate Zach it didn't hurt anything." I laughed and the girls moved on to the other guys.

"What is your most important moment in your guys relationship."

"Megan's criticism keeps me on my toes of what to expect because she goes in order one day it's my hair then it's my outfit then me playing fortnite." Zach smiled and I nodded.

"Maybe you shouldn't play fortnite so much and I don't know um have a movie night or something." I laughed and Zane giggled.

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now