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"Show me The fiancé." Amaya said as soon as I sat down.

"You know you all are the most impatient people  I know." I laughed pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

"Are you really wearing his hoodie." Collin asked and I nodded.

"Why wouldn't I." I asked showing them a recent picture of Zach.

"Still cute." Maya smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"He's mine I hope you know." I chuckled putting my phone face down on the table.

"So he's funny attractive sweet and loaded how the fuck did you go from Collin to him." A.J asked and I shrugged.

"A text started it all." I smiled playing with my pop socket.

"So are you moving in with him." Collin asked and I nodded.

"I go back Thursday but I'll still come back for holidays and of course birthdays if you'd throw a party." I chuckled.

"You already miss him." Maya asked and I nodded.

"You know I think I'm the only one dumb enough to get married at 18 don't get me wrong I'm happy but I see where my dads coming from and why he hates that I'm engaged but it's only because of my age right." I asked and they nodded.

"It could be the age or the fact he really doesn't like Zach." A.J sighed and I nodded.

"He said he liked Zach at prom why would that change."

"Because now you're getting married." Maya replied and I sighed looking at my phone. "He'll come around Aaron."

"And if he doesn't." I asked and they shrugged.

"Then to hell with him as long as you're happy he should be happy for you." Austin finally said something.

"The worst thing to happen is you lose your dads respect." Kelby smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think I want that."

"Yeah guys don't put anything bad in her head he'll come around eventually." Lana smiled and I took a deep breath.

"You take up meditation in California." Collin growled and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you even apart of this group anymore you don't bring anything the only reason people know your name is because you're the player that slept with the popular girls best friend." I growled and he laughed.

"I think it's funny you still think people are talking about high school." He spat and we all laughed.

"You do realize you cheating on Aaron was the biggest mistake you could have ever made." Kelby laughed and Collin stood up and walked out the door. "Finally."

"Are you and Zach planning on having kids soon." Maya asked and I shrugged.

"We haven't talked about it we don't even have wedding plans yet it's kinda just like take it one day at a time kinda deal." I chuckled looking at my phone.

"So no wedding no kids what are you." Kelby laughed and I smiled.

"His sweets." I giggled texting Zach.

"What." They all asked confused.

"His nick name for me is sweets."

Too far//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now