Part 1

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So, I'm with Tom, I love Jay but I've cheated with Nathan. Confusing right?

If you think you're confused then you should try being me. Having all these different emotions at the same time. It's not that I don't love Tom, but when I'm with Jay I feel something totally different. I feel like I can do anything I want, I feel safe and I feel like I'm with someone I can actually trust. And Nathan...well Nathan is a whole other story. I don't love him and he doesn't love me. We just sleep together every now again when we're alone or when we're drunk. It's all just for fun really; we've both agreed on that one.

The thing that makes it more fun is that fact every time we've done something, one of the boys has almost caught us. We come up with some pretty convincing lies. Not my fault if they're all stupid enough to believe them. It's pretty funny really and everyone just thinks me and Nathan are bestfriends. They can keep thinking that because as long as we keep up the way we are, no one will ever know what's going on bewteen us.

But my head is seriously messed up from this whole Jay situation. I don't know what to do anymore...

Do I want Tom? Or do I want Jay?

- Yep, I got bored again so decided to start this while I think of ideas for the other ones! Enjoy my randomness haha! x -

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