Part 8

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After about an hour, every trace of me had been packed into four cardboard boxes; which were now stacked on top of each other at the end of the bed. I grabbed my phone from the bed and took one last breath before I turned to walk towards the door. I picked up two of the boxes while Jay grabbed the other two for me.

"You ready to go then?" he asked me with a smile on his face.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." I sighed. Jay walked out first, I slowly followed him. I took one last glance around the room making sure everything was in its rightful place and then I closed the door. It was like I had closed an entire chapter of my life when I did that. A chapter which I would never look back on again. A chapter which was probably best forgotten. Too many memories that would hurt too much to remember. We walked down the stairs, Jay walked quicker than I was because I was taking in the environment for one last time. This would be the last time tha I stepped foot out of this front door. The last time I would walk down the steps. And the last time I would walk down the driveway which hid the flat from the public eye. I knew it wouldn't be long before Tom was with some other girl and that would be plastered all over the papers. I would just be sat there and no one ever believe me if I told them I was dating Tom Parker. I mean, would you believe me? Especially since there was never any photo evidence of us being together. The only photos of us togther were the one hidden at the bottom of one of the boxes and the others which I had decided to leave behind - it wouldn't surprise me if he ripped them into tiny pieces and then burnt them once he had finshed.

Jay held the door open for me as I walked out and down the steps. I practically ran down the driveway; not wanting to prevent the inevitable for any longer. It was over between me and Tom and there was no going back. I had made my decision and he had made his. He would probably be with some bimbo by the end of the week while I would be cuddled up with Jay somewhere. Shit! I'd forgotten about finding somewhere to live.

"Where are you going to stay then?" Jay asked me as he finally caught up with me.

"I haven't actually thought about that yet. I was going to ask Laura if I could stay with her for a bit and then who knows..." I replied quitely as we walked side by side down the road.

"You could always come and stay with me for a while. I mean, I've got the spare room that you could stay in and if you decided you were going to stay then you could decorate it how you want it!" he smiled at me.

"I'll think about it..." was my reply.

"Is that all I get? And I'll think about..." he laughed at me.

"Yeah, that's all you get. Guess you'll just have to wait and see!" I winked at him but I wasn't looking where I was going and I walked into someone. I knew who it was before he even spoke any words to me.

"So, you've actually gone then?" he asked with a tone of slight sadness in his voice; like he was shocked that I had actually left.

"You told me you wanted me out before you got home, so this is me...leaving!" I replied.

"I didn't think you'd actually leave, I thought I'd come home; find you crying; you'd beg me to forgive you and after a long conversation with each other we'd go back to how we were..." he said to me. To be honest, I was shocked that he had given me this answer because I wasn't expecting him to say something like that. Not after he had said to me.

"Well, I did what you asked me to. I thought you would be happy, not shocked; especially since I use your fame to my advantage so much..." I said sarcastically to him.

"But I love you Lizzy. You can't do this to me!"

"You didn't believe me earlier when I told you I loved you, so you saying it doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'm sorry Tom..." I said with tears in my eyes as I walked away from him.

"Lizzy, please don't leave me!" he called after me but there was no going back now. He ended it, he told me to leave and he told me he never believed a word that I said. He can't just change his mind because he didn't mean it. It hurt me so much to just walk away from him when he basically offering me another chance; but I couldn't do it. I couldn't walk back into his arms and one day, he'll understand that it was for the best. This way I can't break his heart again by cheating on him.

I did love him. Still love him. Always will love him. But it's too late now and after finding out how Jay feels about me, it's not that simple anymore...

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