Part 16

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I was woken up this morning by the sound of shouting coming from downstairs. The voices were easily recognisable. No one had voices like that...well they probably did but it was two voices I was used to hearing. I mean I had been living with one of them for a while now and the other one I'd been friends with for just as long. Well, sometimes I wonder if we are more than friends but then I realise we're not. There is only one person that I love and that person is Tom. Not Nathan. Not Jay. And not that pathetic excuse I call an ex-boyfriend. It has only been Tom and it will only always be Tom.

I dragged myself from the bed and was greeted by a cold breeze coming from somewhere. I was too tired to care where from. I just walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed the first thing I laid my hands on, throwing it on before walking out the room. I was so trapped in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jay walking towards me. I walked into him and when I looked up, I smiled sweetly at him as a way of apologising to him. But he didn't look impressed that I'd walked into him. In fact, he didn't look happy that he'd even seen my face. Guessing he's another person I've really annoyed recently.

"You'd better go down there and deal with that before it gets any worse..." he snapped at me quickly.

"Why? What's going on?" I replied.

"Why don't you go and find out for yourself instead of relying on me all the time!" he said, sounding extremely annoyed with me and I don't even know what I've done. I've only just woken up but I've already managed to piss Jay off. This day can only get worse from here. I can already feel it.

I slowly approached the top of the stairs and it was then that I realised what Nathan and Tom were arguing about. They were arguing about me and what had gone on between me and Nathan. I never wanted this to happen. I didn't want those two to fall out over this. Maybe I should just leave? It would just be better for everyone if I did and then it would stop all the arguments. But if I do leave then it could just make things worse...this is just horrible. I never wanted this to happen. I never even thought it would happen. Well, that was a stupid thought - of course something like this was going to happen when it all came out about me and Nathan. Gotta be an idiot to think otherwise.

I cautiously walked down the stairs and listened to what they had to say. This could only make me re-think everything...


How could this be happening? How could Nathan be so relaxed about this? It has revealed him as a cheat who only falls in love with people who are in a happy relationship and it has made me look like a total twat for staying with Lizzy. But I love her and I don't care what she has done. Everyone makes mistakes, it just so happens that she has made a mistake which many people wouldn't forgive.

I looked at Nathan, who was sat on the sofa, and he had a smug look on his face. Like he was almost proud of what he had done. Like he was happy that people now knew the affect he had on women - I mean, the fact someone who was in happy relationship, would gladly sleep with him just shows the power he has over women. But I expected him to be freaking out right now, not sat there enjoying the moment.

That's what annoyed me the most. Him just sat there, not even defending himself or worrying about what people now thought of him. If I was in his shoes then I would be petrified of what people had to say about me. I would be panicking that women wouldn't come near me knowing what I was like, but he seems to think it will make him more attractive to women. They would love to know how he managed to charm Lizzy into bed. He's acting like a big-headed fool and it will all come crashing down on him eventually.

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