Part 9

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Jay and I reached the corner of where Tom's road ended and Jay's road began. The rest of the walk went in silence since Jay didn't really say anything to me. I guess he didn't actually know what to say. I mean I had just walked away from Tom giving me a second chance. Did that mean I wanted to be with Jay or did it mean I just didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone right now? I had no idea. I still loved Tom, a hell of a lot, but then Jay had told me how he felt and it's how I've always felt about him. Why is love so confusing? Why the hell can't it be simple? Give me one of them and then tell me it's the one I'm going to spend the rest of my life that would be great.

"Well, this is where I leave you..." Jay said quietly to me as he put the two boxes down on the edge of the curb.

"I guess this is where you leave me..." I replied. I didn't want to be alone but I also didn't want to be with anyone. I just needed time to think about everything that has happened today - Tom leaving me, Jay telling me he loves me and Nathan not talking to me.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back with me?"

"I need time to think at the moment, but I'll come back in a bit. Do you mind taking a couple of the boxes for me?" I asked him, not even looking at him. I was just staring at the same spot on the pavement while waiting for Jay to reply to me.

"Yeah I can do that for you. Just text me when you want to come back and I'll come meet you..." he said back to me.

"Thanks Jay. You're amazing..." I said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, with that I walked off in the opposite direction; leaving Jay with the two heaviest boxes. I had no idea where I was going, I just needed to go somewhere to clear my head before I went back to Jay's. Once Jay had vanished from sight, I turned around and ended up walking back towards Tom's flat. I had no idea why I was going back this way; I guess I just wasn't ready to let go of him yet.

As I got closer and closer to the flat; I felt all the guilt come over me at once. Some of this guilt I was only just feeling, some of it I felt earlier. I don't know why I was back here but being here again made me feel a slight bit of happiness. I suppose it was the idea of being close to Tom again. But then again it could just be because my guilt had brought me back here and I'm just remembering the good times. I was too busy admiring the front of the house to notice that someone had approached from behind and was now standing there. I only became oblivious to the fact they were standing when I felt their arms snake around my waist. The smell of aftershave could only belong to one person.

"Aren't you going to miss this babe?" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Which part are you referring to?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"All of it. I was with you for two years, I know how to make you feel good remember?" he replied, his breath tickling my ears as he spoke every word to me.

"You were the one that ended it not me, remember?"

"And that was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I want you back so much that you don't even understand how much this is hurting me..."

"Look, you know I'd only end up hurting you again if we did give things another go and I would never be able to live with myself knowing I've put you through the same pain twice!" I replied as I removed his arms from my waist and walked forwards, turning around so I could now see his face. But this didn't stop him, he just walked closer to me again. We were so close that our bodies were now touching, I could feel his warm breath on my face and his fingers were playing lightly with the edges of mine. I didn't want to be in this situation, stood here with Tom stood opposite two just being the way we were before it all went wrong.

"But I love you so much Lizzy. The risk of you hurting me is a risk worth taking..."

"But I don't want to run that risk. I want you to find someone that you can be happy with and who isn't going to break your heart at every opportunity. I love you Tom and this is why I'm doing it; it's for the best!" but this time he didn't reply. He just kissed me. I'm not going to lie, it did feel good and it reminded me of all the times we had shared together. It's not what I wanted but I wasn't going to stop. I felt happy again and it's how I always want to feel.

"Are you still going to leave me then?" he asked as he pulled away.

"I never want to leave you Tom. I love you so much..." I whispered as I placed my head against his chest; listening the the gentle sound of his heart beat. This moment was so perfect. Nothing was going to ruin it...well, nothing other than a jealous Jay turning up right when you don't want him to!

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