Part 11

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Well, I made my choice...I choose Tom. He was the one that I was first with and he was the one that I fell in love with. Nothing will ever chnange the way that I feel about Tom, even though I do have feelings for Jay. I just couldn't act on them because I'd already hurt Tom and it wouldn't be fair to hurt him again.

He has always been there for me and now I'm going to start thanking him for that. I've stopped sleeping with Nathan...well I say stopped. We're just doing it different places now instead of staying at home. Although the last time I did sleep with him was at the weekend in some hotel; he hasn't spoken to me since that night. So I have no idea what I did wrong. I must have done something for him to not even want to talk to me anymore. I guess when he wants to tell me, he will tell me.

Jay has moved on from me. Actually, I think he's just doing it to make me jealous. It's working pretty well, but I don't know why I'm so jealous of him. Or of her. She is so fake that she makes barbie look real. Her hair is bleach blonde, she wear hair extensions that are completely the wrong colour, and the amount of make-up she wears...I'm sure she does it with her eyes closed. She's always orange, wears far too much mascarra and don't even get me started on the colour of her eye shadow. She looks like a proper slag and Jay could easily do so much better than her. I don't know why he has even sunk that low...I really don't. I thought that even he had standards but to have considered her; he clearly has no standards. As long as she's stupid to sleep in the same bed as him and satisfy his needs, I don't think he really cares what she looks like.

Tom is taking me out somewhere tonight. I don't know where because he won't tell me. He's just told me to dress in my best clothes which could be hard since I practically live in my jeans and hoodies. I don't think I even own a dress that I like. I used to like them but then Tom thought I was going to leave him for some other guy and told me I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore - he's become a lot more controlling since I got back with him and I'm not sure if I like it. He's just a different person and he wonders why I keep sleeping with Nathan? Or why I considered leaving him for Jay? I don't like the person he is anymore...but I don't want to tell him that because if I do, I know he'll just blame it one me.

That's a common thing now as well, he keeps blaming things one me. He doesn't take responsibilty for anything that he does. It's just always my fault. I guess if I want to keep him in my life, then it's something I have to put up with. It's not as bad as it could be. I mean, he does still tell me that he loves me, he keeps surprising me and he does treat me...but that could just be a cover for everything else which is going on. I really hope it isn't though.

Anyway, I was rumaging through the wardrobe looking for something suitable to wear when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves slowly around my waist. He placed his chin gently on my shoulder and I just continued to look through for something that I could wear.

"What you doing babe?" he asked, his voice just making me melt from the inside. I mean it was just so perfect and would make any girl want him.

"Looking for something to wear tonight..." I replied with a slight laugh.

"Well don't bother, I bought you something that I think you'll really love" he smiled as he spun me around so that I was now looking directly at him. He placed a quick kiss on my lips and then turned his attention back to the two bags which were lying on the floor beside his feet.

"You mean you actually bought me something?" I asked with a tone of surprise.

"Yes, I bought you something and I'm sure you're going to love it...well I hope you love it anyway!"

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