Part 6

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"Answer me Lizzy. Why would you do this to me? I loved you...I mean, I really loved you!" Tom repeated with tears building in his eyes. I could tell just how much I hurt him. I never wanted him to find out this way; I was going to tell him but I was going to do it in my own time.

"Tom, I'm s-s-sorry..." I managed to stutter out.

"Is that all you say? You're sorry?" he asked angrily.

"Look, I'm gunna go back to my flat. You two have clearly got some talking to do" Laura smiled at me as she stood up and walked out of the room. Before she opened the front door, she turned to look at me and then mouthed the words, 'good luck' and with that she disappeared from sight. Leaving me sat on the sofa showing no emotion at all and then Tom stood in the doorway with nothing but tears in his eyes.

"It was never meant to go this far!" I said sadly.

"How long Lizzy?" he asked walking deeper into the room.

"Look, Tom-"

"How long Lizzy?" he asked again, his voice and anger levels both rising.

"About four months now..." I replied quietly.

"I thought you loved me Lizzy so why would you do something like this to me?"

"I do love you. What happened between me and Nathan meant nothing, it was just a bit of fun..."

"If you loved me then you would have appreciated what we had. You wouldn't have slept with Nath just because you got bored!" he shouted at me, tears now slowly falling from his eyes.

"Please Tom. I do love you; I mean I really do love you more than anything and I don't want to lose you...I can't lose you!" I said in a voice that almost made me sound like I was begging. I suppose in a way, I was begging because I didn't want to lose him. He did mean everything to him and I was stupid to think he would just forgive me when I said the words; 'Tom, I'm sorry...' - I really am sorry, but I should have thought about that before I did anything with Nathan.

"You don't love me. You love the fact you can say Tom Parker is your boyfriend while you're also sleeping with Nathan Sykes!" he snapped at me as he started pacing around the room. He always did that when he was angry - apparently it stopped him from going completely mental at people. I just thought he looked funny.

"That's not fair Tom. Not once have I ever used the fact your my boyfriend in any way so don't even say that..." I shouted back at him. It annoyed me that he thought I was only using his fame when not once had I ever used that. I never used it the time I got arrested. I never used it to get free things from people. And I never used it in conversation - whenever people asked me about my boyfriend; I just told them he was called Tom. Nothing more than that and nothing less than that. So how dare he stand there and say that to me.

"So you're telling me that you have never bragged to your friends about the fact you're sleeping with both Tom Parker and Nathan Sykes?"

"No Tom; do you know why? Because unlike some people I appreciate that you want to keep your personal life exactly that...personal! When people ask about you, I tell them that your name is Tom. I have never once mentioned that fact you're in The Wanted; I really don't care if you believe me or you don't believe me!" I snapped. I know I was in the wrong but he had no right saying what he was saying.

"And why should I believe you? I mean you slept with my bestfriend for god's sake! Why am I going to believe anything that comes out of your mouth?"

"Yes okay. I slept with Nathan behind your back and I know I shouldn't have done that but how dare you stand there and accuse me of using the fact you're Tom bloody Parker to get what I want from people..." I was now going to give him as good as he was giving me. I expected him to be upset and angry; but I didn't expect him to throw our whole relationship back at me.

"So you're not even going to deny it?"

"What would be the point in denying it? It happened. You know it happened, I know it happened and Nathan knows it happened..."

"Well I didn't think you would admit it that easily. I thought I was going to have to make you tell me the truth!" he replied sounding shocked.

"Even after all this time you still think I would lie to you when you confront me about something? Shows how much attention you actually paid to me then..."

"Oh shut up Lizzy, do you really think I care? You cheated on me with my BESTFRIEND for FOUR months!" he snapped at me emphasing the words bestfriend and four. He probably did that just to make sure I understood what he was saying to me. I'm not stupid.

"I've said-"

"I don't want your apology. I want you out and I want you out before I get home tonight...I never want to see you again Lizzy!" he said calmly and then just left. He ended it with me and just left. I guess I brought this all on myself though.

Now where was I going to stay?

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