Part 15

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"WHAT?!" I roared so loudly that Max and Siva came running into the room.

"Tom, I'm sorry but it's over between us!" she replied with no emotion in her voice and without showing emotion on her face. She was stood in front of me, no even caring how much I had given up just to be with her.

"Does this have something to do with Nathan? Are you leaving me so you can be with him?" I shouted at her while Max and Siva both stood there not really knowing what to do at this point. I didn't blame them because I didn't know what to do.

"It's got nothing to do with Nathan, I just don't love you anymore so I'm ending it before we both end up hurt..."

"Oh right, so as long as you get out of this withot being hurt, you don't care how you make me feel!"

"No, this is for the best Tom. I don't love you anymore and I don't want to be with you anymore..." she replied, a tone of sadness was finally making its way into her voice. It was like she was forcing herself to say this. Like she didn't actually want to leave me but she was doing it for some other reason.

"But you loved me yesterday and want to be with me then, so what's changed between then and now?"

"Please Tom, just accept my decision and stop asking questions. Just let me go and get on with your life..." she said and this time I noticed a tear making its way down her cheek. I was getting closer to the real reason why she was leaving me and I wasn't going to give up like that.

"I don't want to get on with my life without you. I love you Lizzy so why won't you tell me the real reason why?"

"Sorry to interrupt here, but even I can tell you're lying. You still love Tom, even an idiot can see that..." Max added after I had finished speaking. If he had noticed as well then I knew I wasn't going insane.

"Because when we first got back together I was still sleeping with Nathan..." Lizzy had finally snapped with tears now rolling down her cheek.

"But why are you ending it now? I already had feeling you were still sleeping with him, I just didn't say anything to you..." I replied as she turned her back on me, she was feeling really bad about this whole thing. Either that, she's just feeling guilty about the fact I've found out about her and Nathan still sleeping in each other's beds at the beginning of the relationship.

"Why didn't you say anything if you knew?" Lizzy replied, still not looking at me.

"Cos I love you Lizzy and want to be with you. I thought that by ignoring it, you and Nathan would just stop and you'd realise how much you love me...I just thought Nathan was a phase which would pass!" I sighed at her and then went to walk out of the room before Lizzy started talking again.

"Because I've started getting text messages, okay? Someone keeps texting me and they've said if I don't end it, then they'll go to the papers about me and Nathan..."

"And since when do you do as you're told?" I asked.

"Since I love you too much to let you be hurt by this and since I didn't want people knowing the sort of thing Nathan does. I wouldn't want to be the one that ruins your fanbase..."

"Well even if you end with Tom now, it will come out at some point what went on with Nathan and people will know then. Nathan will have to take the consequences...because if you love Tom that much, you'll stay with him through all of this!" Siva said suddenly before walking out of the room and disappearing back up the stairs.

"He's right you know Lizzy. If Tom knew about you and Nathan for this long and didn't leave you, then surely there is still something worth fighting for?" Max said walking towards Lizzy as he did so. She was stood there, staring out the window, watching the simple life go by at it's own pace while her life seem to be moving at a much quicker pace.

"But I don't want to be the reason people hate Nathan and I don't want you lot to lose fans because I'm the bitch that cheated on Tom Parker with his band mate and best mate, Nathan Sykes..." she muttered through her tears as Max pulled her into a hug and she hugged him back. It shoud be me who does that, but instead I'm stood here not doing anything. I'm just stood here listening but not acting. Max was hugging my girlfriend while I'm just stood here trying to take everything in. I guess I must really love her if I stayed with her and didn't even question her, even after I knew she was still cheating on me with Nathan. So why was I frozen to the spot? Why couldn't I move to make her feel like I did still love her? Why could I not hate despite the hurt she's caused me?

"Sure there's going to be loads of hate about this, but I'll be here to help you through and I'm sure Seev will help you. And if you stick this out, then you'll still have that idiot over there..." Max laughed as he pointed in my general direction, at which point Lizzy looked at me and smiled. No fake smile like she had last night. A genuine smile which showed her happiness.

"Tom, I'm so sorry and I love you so much..." she said through the tears which were still rolling down her eyes. At that moment, something inside me went off and I felt the sudden urge to move. Was it because she had told me that she loved me and that she was sorry?

I don't care what it was. It just made me realise that the reason I couldn't hate her was because I loved her too much and wanted to be with her. Sure, she had made a mistake but she had chosen me. It was me that she loved. It was me that she wanted to be with and not Nathan. I just felt so much happiness in that moment as my arms made their way around Lizzy's neck so I could pull her in for a hug.

"Look, we'll make it through this and no matter what is thrown at us, we'll always have each other!" I replied as I felt her arms find their way around my waist, the next thing I heard was the clicking of a camera, I turned my head to see Max stood there grinning like an idiot. He had just taken a picture of me and Lizzy while we were stood like this, she was laughing but I was not impressed.

"That's going straight on Twitter..." Max laughed as he practically ran out of the room, probably expecting me to hit him for what he was doing. But I wasn't going to. I'd get my revenge at some know what they say, revenge is sweet. And I'm sure they're not lying about that.

"I really am sorry Tom, I never wanted any of this to happen. I have ended things with Nathan, that's why he's been acting the way he has. He told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved you, not him..." she mumbled into my chest as we just stayed stood in each others arms. She must really love me if she told Nathan she didn't want him anymore and he was jealous of that fact.

"I love you too Lizzy. Let's just forget about everything which has happened and start again. Deal?"

"What about the papers?"

"When we get to that we'll deal with it but until then I just want it to be about you and me!" I replied as I kissed her gently on the top of her head, my arms still around her neck and her arms still wrapped tightly around my waist. Like she didn't want to let me go for fear something might happen.

"Just you and me!" she agreed, looking up at me as she did so. I would have kissed her then had my phone not vibrated and ruined the moment. I took it out my pocket to see that it was a notification from Max, telling me that he added the photo to Twitter. I quickly went onto his profile to look at it. It already several retweets, favourites and replies but it was the caption I was interested in. I looked and it read:

Aww young love - @TomTheWanted and @Lizzyyy...shame about Tom's face though!

"Max, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted as I walked of the room, leaving Lizzy stood there giggling at me and what I was doing. She was an idi. But I guess she was my idiot and I loved her.


Well this is going to be an interesting couple of months now. I'm going to be exposed as a cheat. Nathan will be exposed as a cheat. And people will just think Tom's an idiot for even bothering to forgive either of us.

It's mad what people do for love. But I guess I do love Tom more than anything in the world...other than sleep. I do love my sleep. But I also love Parker. He's all mine and I'm all his. Just got to wait to see what the future holds for us now...

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