Part 7

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Once Tom had walked out of the door; I sunk deeper and deeper into the sofa. I was unable to bring myself to move because I knew that when I moved; I would have to leave. Leave for good. No coming back, no saying goodbye and no saying I'm sorry. Why the hell was I so stupid? Why couldn't I just be happy with what I had? I had to go and throw it all away because I was bored and wanted some fun...I don't even know what  I was thinking.

I prepared myself as I slowy rose up from my space. I descended the stairs, which seemed more like a mountain to me. I deliberately took my time climbing them because I didn't want to leave. I took in all of my surroundings. Every memory that I had shared in each room of this house. Every hug I had shared with each of the boys. And the years that I had spent with Tom. All of that gone in a matter of seconds. This is going to kill me.

As I approached the bedroom, I stopped for a second. In that second everything that I had shared with Tom in this room and then it hit me. I collapsed onto the bed and the tears instantly began hitting the soft pillow. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't bring myself to leave it all behind. I couldn't bring myself to leave Tom. I just couldn't do it. I was so busy feeling sorry for myself to realised someone had walked into the room and was now sat on the edge of the bed.

I could tell who it was even through my tear filled eyes. That curly hair was noticeable from space. And those blue eyes; well you'd have to be stupid to not know who they belonged to.

"Has Tom sent you to say more hurtful things?" I mumbled.

"Why would Tom have sent me? None of us have seen him since he stormed out of the studio to come back here and see you..." Jay replied.

"Well that would be my fault then!" I said still with the tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Yeah, it might be your fault. Don't you even wanna know how Tom found out about you and Nathan sleeping together?"

"I'm not sure I really care why. He knows, he ended it and he wants me out so why does it matter how he found out?"

"Because then you'll have someone other than yourself to blame for this mess?" he suggested but knowing who had told Tom wasn't going to make me feel any less guilty, unless it was Nathan who had told him. If it was him that told Tom then it would confirm my suspicions, Nathan was jealous of the fact I wouldn't leave Tom for him.

"Look, you can tell me how he found out if you really want to but it's not going to make me feel any better than what I am currently feeling!"

"It was me Lizzy. I told Tom about you and Nathan!" he said.

"B-b-b-but why would you do that?" I asked. I was pretty shocked my that since Jay never paid any attention to me unless I was drunk and he could easily have his way with me.

"Because I love you Lizzy and I couldn't handle the fact you were with Tom. I need you; I want you Lizzy..."

"Why didn't you tell me this before I got with Tom...TWO YEARS AGO?!"

"You seemed like you were actually happy and I didn't want to ruin that. It's only recently I've realised just how much I love you and how much I want to be with you. Don't tell me you don't feel the same because I know you do!" he replied. I could hear his heart beat quicken and he kept looking at the ground every couple of words. He actually meant every word of what he was saying to me. He ruined my relationship because he was jealous and I never even realised? How could you be so stupid Lizzy? 

I placed my hand on top of his and said quietly to him;

"I do feel the same. I've always felt the same..." I looked up to be greeted with his big blue eyes. They were truely the best things I had ever seen. He moved closer to me and he was so close that I could feel his breath upon my face. I bit my lip as I looked deeper into his eyes.

"Then why did you get with Tom?"

"To make you jealous and to get closer to you!" I replied before I moved even closer to him. Our lips now only inches apart from each other. He had his on my waist and was steadily pulling my body closer to his.

"Well it worked then, didn't it?" he asked and with that he pressed his lips against mine. I felt something that I had never felt before. I didn't really know what I was feeling. This was something new. This was something magical.

"I guess it must have done. But a question?"

"You're going to ask me how I know about you and Nathan; aren't you?" he asked with a smile on his face. It was like he had read my mind when he asked me that.

"Yeah. How did you know?" I giggled. I don't know why I was so happy. I mean I had just lost my boyfriend, been outted as a cheat and found out I could have been with Jay from the beginning.

"I've come back early from a night out a couple of times and caught you two. I just never said anything!" he laughed. That's certainly embarrassing.

"Anyway, I should probably start packing. Tom wants me out by the time he gets home..." I said as my smile turned into sadness again. I stood up off the bed and grabbed a couple of boxes from out of the wardrobe.

"Do you want a hand with that?" Jay asked in his sweetest tone.

"Only if you want to..."

"The quicker we get out of here, the quicker I can take you out. I've got a lot of making up to do!" he laughed as he jumped up off the bed and grabbed a box off me. He began shoving some of my clothes into it. There was me, folidng it up so that I could fit more in and then there was Jay, just throwing everything he could grab his hands into the box.

"Where are you going to take me then?" I asked cheekily.

"You'll just have to wait and see. Now less talking and more packing!" he laughed at me.

This might be the fresh start I was looking for. Sure I've lost Tom but surely Jay is going to treat me better. But first, I've got to finish things with Nathan...

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