Part 19

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I walked up the stairs to hear Jay telling Nathan that nothing could ever happen between him and Lizzy. But I think it was a bit too late for that. Something had already happened and nothing was going to change that. Nothing was going to change the fact my bestfriend had hurt me more than words could explain. Nothing was going to change the fact me and Lizzy were now over. No second chances this time. It's over. And it's over for good. No matter how much it kills me to say that. It's over and I'm never going back to her again. I need to move on and just accept what's happened. Not live in the past and wonder how things could have been. That would be pointless and a waste of my time. I'm just going to move on and get on with my life. The best thing for me to do right now. Not like I've got any other option. 

As I reached the top of the stairs where Jay was telling, well I say telling, it was more making sure he understood the situation. But Nathan is just a kid and there is no way he's going to accept what he's been told. He needs to start growing up. And he needs to start fast, because if he doesn't, then he's going to be screwed later in life. He's 19 not 9 and it's about time he started acting that age.  

"Well if you didn't keep sleeping with her in the first place, you wouldn't have any feelings for her..." Jay responded and he was right. Nathan had a choice and he made the wrong one. If I can't even forgive Lizzy now...then there's no way I'm going to be able to forgive Nathan. It's going to take a long time before that happens. 

"He's welcome to her. I don't need some bitch like her ruining my life anyway..." I replied without even thinking. I was just angry, hurt and upset. Not a good mixture when you hear someone saying things like that. I just walked past them and carried on to my bedroom. Hoping that Lizzy had almost finished packing her stuff by now. I still loved her but I couldn't make the words come out of mouth. That's enough to make me end it. No matter how much it hurts me right now. In time, I'll get over it and I'll be happy again. I've just got to keep waiting for that moment to come. But right now, it's for the best that I'm not around Lizzy and she's not around me. It'll help us both move on. She can have Nathan without worrying about getting caught by me and I'll just have whichever girl I feel like taking home with me. Just like good old times. No harm in having a little fun and returning to my 'bad boy' ways - that's what everyone refers to them days as. Not that I'm complaining. Nathan is just proof that people like a bad boy. I mean, he destroyed my relationship just to make himself happy. Exactly what I used to do. 

Destroy people's relationships just so I could have a good time. A one night thing with some girl I would never remember in the morning. Just so I could get over my unhappiness. That's what I used to be like and then I met Lizzy. She was perfect for me. She was the only women who had refused to sleep with me when I asked her to; which only made me want her so much more. It took me two and a half months to talk her into my bed. Of course, she thought I was stalking her because I was everywhere that she went. I did that on purpose of course. The boys thought I was made since I never chased after a girl. But I'm Tom Parker and every other girl jumped at the chance to be in my bed. But not Lizzy. She was different and that's why I fell in love with her. She was an ordinary girl that didn't want much from life, she didn't change when she found out who I was and she could make me happy with the simplest things. Funny how people can change though. How that one person can destroy your whole world in a matter of seconds. I'm in hysterics about the whole thing... 

I walked into the bedroom to see Lizzy sat on the bed. She was crying into her knees. Like she was in her own protective little bubble. Nothing could penetrate it. She was all alone and so upset. I was the person who had made her feel like this. But why did I feel so bad? She had made me feel like nothing. She had hurt me beyond repair. She had cheated on me with her bestfriend...yet I still felt bad for her. What the hell is wrong with you Parker? I never feel bad. It's just against all my rules. Especially when it's their fault that they're in the position. She looked up and saw me standing there; 

"Sorry, I was just about to pack my stuff. I'll be gone in about an hour..." she mumbled at me through the tears. 

"Look it's alright, you don't have to go today. You can wait until the end of the week..." I replied. 

"No, the sooner the better. I'm going to live with Laura!"  

"But she lives in Corwall?" 

"Yeah, the further away from you I get, the better it will be for both of us!" she said as she got up off the bed and grabbed a suitcase from the bottom of the wardrobe. She didn't really have much to pack since most of it was still in boxes from the first time I told her it was over. I guess she knew something like this was going to happen.

"That means I'll never get to see you again..." I answered, trying to hold the tears back. Sure I had ended it but I never expected her to move as far as Cornwalll. I still wanted to be able to see her. To be friends with her. And now I won't be able to see her until I decide what I want. Well...I know exactly what I want. I want to be happy, but if I can't even make the words 'I love you' come out of my mouth when it matters most; then there is just no point.

"It's for the best Tom. If I stay round here, I'll only hurt you and the other boys...I don't want to do that!"

"Right...well then...I'll just leave you to it...make sure you say bye before you leave..." I mumbled as I went to walk out of the room.

"Tom?" she shouted after me.

"Yes Lizzy?" I replied with hardly any emotion in my voice.

"I just want you to know that it's always been you. From the start, it has only ever been you..." she whispered, a couple of tears making their way down her cheek, turning her back on me once more. Returning to what she was previously doing and I just left the room. No response to what she had just told me. No kind of answer to make her feel like I was even listening. No reply that would make her feel even slightly better. That was the person that I was and I was never going to change.

I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. That part of my live was now over and there was no going back to it. It was time to move on and accept what had happened. I'm always told that things happen for a reason. I'm just trying to find the reason for this happening...

*Sorry that I took so long posting this, I didn't really know what to write so I was thinking about finishing this one soon so I can finish the others as well. And sorry that it's a bit boring, still I hope you like it and thanks for reading.

Emma :)xx*

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