Part 20

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It had been a month since Lizzy left me to go and live with Laura. I haven't seen her or heard from her at all in that time. I still miss her all the time and I can't help but think about her. Wondering what she's doing, if she's moved on, if she misses me as much as I miss her. But I'm sure that isn't likely. I told her to leave because I couldn't tell her that I loved her. That was my choice and I made the wrong one. I should never have let her go and I should have just told her that I loved her.

Then I would still be happy. Not feeling the way that I do now. Or acting the way that I am now - just vanishing back into my old ways. Sleeping with any woman that wants me after drinking a few too many. It stops the pain for a while, but then I wake up next to them and realise they're not Lizzy. And then I feel like complete crap again. I'm never going to be able to move on from her. She was the only person who ever made me feel like I could do something with my life. She was the one that made me change the person that I was. But she is also the person who turned me back into the person that I was. I can never win. She will always have a hold over me which I can't control and I'll never be able to explain it. I miss her more than words can explain and I wish she was back here. In the warmth and the safety of my arms. That's where she should be. Not in some other guy's arms right down the bottom of the coutry.

Jealousy is a bitch!

It's always been her. Always will be her. No matter how much pain she has caused me and how much she hurt me. But I still love her. And I want her back. Pretty sure that's not going to happen though. Not now. Not ever.

I'm sure she's moved on and now it's time for me to do that same. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Or I could go down to Cornwall and show her how much she means to me? Maybe that would work and then maybe she'll take me back. Well, I'm never going to know if I don't even try...


A month on and I still haven't really moved on from Tom. I have a boyfriend, but he's not Tom and he's the only guy that I really want. I wake every morning and I just see Tom's face instead of Liam's - that's the name of my new boyfriend. There is nothing wrong with Liam and he treats me how I'd want to be treated. But I miss all the times I spent with Tom, all the memories I shared with him, all the times that he did tell me that he loved me and all the times that I fell asleep in the safety of his arms.

I just want to go back to them days.

But it can never happen. I hurt him badly and he hurt me back. There would never be a workable future for the both of us. We would just end up hurting the other. And I don't want that. I want Tom to be happy, and he'll be so much happier without me in his life. He just doesn't seem to realise this. He thinks that he'll only ever be happy with me.

But that can't be true?

Can it?

I mean, I broke his heart. Ruined everything that we ever had. Made him look like an idiot in front of everyone. Humilated him. Surely he can't still love me, unless he really is that much of an idiot. It isn't even possible for him to still love me. To still want me back with him. To let me know that he doesn't care what I did and he forgives me.

That's not even a possibility. I'm sure he's moved on just as I have and I'll never see him again. That's for the best and nothing will change that. I'm going to stay with Liam and I'm going to remain in Cornwall. It might not be perfect and I might not be completely happy. But this is as close to happiness as I'm going to get.

Nothing will be able to change that. Not even if Tom came down here and told me that he still loved me...

It's too late for that now.

*And that's also this one finished now. Finished two this weekend. Clever me aha.

Anyway, sorry about the slightly rubbish ending. I couldn't think of a way to end it, so I just left it on a cliffhanger...well, for Tom's part anyway. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting.

Hope you like this part and hope you liked the rest of the story. Love you guys.

Emma :)xx*

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