Part 10

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How could she do this to me? I'd just told her how I felt and she told me that she felt the same, yet here so is with her tongue down Tom's throat again. He's the one the one that left her for cheating but now he can't keep his hands off her. What's the point in dumping someone and hen wanting them back five minutes later? She's only going to break his heart again but he's too stupid to realise.

When she spotted me, she didn't even look sorry. She just looked shocked and upset that I'd ruined this perfect little moment. I came round here to make sure Tom was alright, but I'm guessing by the looks of things...he's definately okay. I swear he's stupid, either that he's seriously desperate. Come to think of it - why did I ever like someone like her in the first place? She's nothing more than a common slag! Dating one while trying to sleep with as manu others as possible. In a way I feel sorry for Tom. But then again, why should I feel anything for him? It's his fault if he's stupid enough to take her back. I hope they're very happy together in their pathetic relationship. And I'm not even jealous...I'll find a way of getting over her. It can't be that hard to get over a slag. Especially when they're as stupid and pathetic as Lizzy.

I'm Jay McGuiness of The Wanted and I could have any girl I wanted just by clicking my fingers. Oh the benefits of being a boyband...


Well, I would say this is an awkward situation. But then I'd be lying.

Once I'd calmed down and taken the time to consider the situation, I realised that the only reason Jay would tell me about Lizzy and Nathan was because he was jealous. There could be no other reason. I've seen the way he looks at her, the way he acts around her and the way he behaves whenever she's around. You could see from his eyes that he longed for her to be his. When I saw the look on his face; it was priceless. Rubbing his smug face in this made me so very happy. Making him see that Lizzy woulld never be his. She would only be mine - regardless of mistakes she's made. I love her and I'm not about to lose her. And I'm especially not going to lose her to Jay. He had his chance and he never took it. His loss is my gain and my gain is now his loss.

Lizzy just stood there not really knowing what to do, I guess in her head this is all very confusin I did tell her I never wanted to see her again and now here I am telling her that I still love her and want her back. But do I love her or do I just like the idea of winding Jay up? Surely I wouldn't give her another chance if I didn't love her...I wouldn't be that selfish and immature...would I? I've never been this pathetic, especially over a girl. I suppose annoying Jay is all part of the fun. Although I'm sure he won't give up until he gets Lizzy and I'm sure Nathan will be pretty upset that he can't sleep with her anymore. In a way, I just find this whole situation hilarious. I get the girl, make myself happy while making two people very upset at the same time. Wow! I really am that pathetic.

I've got Lizzy and I'm not getting rid off her that easily again. I've got a plan which is bound to make her choose me and never cheat on me again...


I don't know what I want anymore. Jay? Tom? Jay? Tom?

This is all just too confusing me. I was with Tom, I love him and he loved me but then I slept with Nathan and he told me it was over. Now he's standing here telling me he loves me and never wants to lose me. Then there's Jay. He told me he's always loved me and in a way, I've always loved him too. I only got with Tom to make him jealous and make him want me...well that worked but then I actually fell in love with Tom. Argh! So confused! What do I do? Who shall I choose? Why's this so confusing?

Please help me. I need to make a choice but I don't know what choice to make...

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