Part 2

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There was nothing to hate about Tom. He was the perfect boyfriend. He always took me out places, bought me things and told me pretty much everyday that he loved me but  I couldn't help but wish it was Jay doing all them things.

Nothing had happened between us. Well, we'd shared a few drunken kisses and we always flirt; even when Tom is around but he never really notices. I don't want to hurt Tom because I do love him but I know when he finds out what me and Nath have been up to behind his back, he's going to be hurt. He loves me but I don't think I can ever return the love he feels for me. Whenever Tom says things to me, I always imagine Jay saying them to me instead. I know it's bad but I can't help how I feel.

Jay doesn't even know how I feel about him. It would be a start if I told him, but he would probably just reject me. Especially since I'm with his bestfriend. Why is this so confusing? I want to love Tom but I don't think I can anymore...I long for the touch of Jay. I want to feel his lips on mine, his fingers inbetween mine and his arms around me. Stupid to think I love a guy who doesn't pay any attention to me unless I'm drunk. I need to tell him. I need to tell him soon...he must know how I feel about him and he must know today. There is no other option. I need to get it off my chest; I just can't deal with it anymore.

Even if he rejects me, then at least I can be happy knowing I told him how I feel. Who knows? He might even feel the same as me. I guess only time will tell with that one...

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