Part 3

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"Babe, I'm going out tonight with the lads. Well, apart from Nathan, he's staying here because he's too tired!" Tom laughed at me.

"Well, don't have too much fun without me!" I winked at me as he pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and his face to so close that his breath tickled the back of my neck. I started giggling as he pressed his lips against me. I turned around and looked deep into his eyes; it reminded me why I fell in love with him in the first place.

"I never have fun if you're not with me; but there's always time when I get back!" he whispered in my ear.

"We'll have to wait and see about that one; it depends how drunk you are!"  I replied as he planted a kiss on my lips. His lips fit perfectly with mine as we moved in time with one and another.

"You always give me what I want..." he said cheekily as he pulled away from me.

"Not always so don't go telling people that, will you now?" I laughed.

"Too late!" he joked.

"I love you Parker!" I smiled at him as he moved towards my lips again. It's moments like this that I love so much but then, as soon as Tom has gone out; I know something will happen with Nathan. All I'm doing is using Nathan when I'm bored; although he doesn't seem to mind. He just enjoys having my company and I suppose I enjoy his too.

"I love you too Lizzy!" he replied with the biggest smile on his face. I hated the fact I was lying to him, but right now...I didn't know what I wanted. I stood up and walked off to the kitchen. Stood there making a cup of tea was Nathan. He didn't even need to turn around to know it was me.

"You want one babe?" he asked. His voice cutting through me, making me feel weak at the knees.

"You don't even need me to answer that one. You know I do..." I replied as my eyes met his.

" and me...all alone again tonight...what are we going to do?" he asked, like he didn't already know the answer to his own question. He walked towards me and he was so close, that the tips of his fingers were tickling mine. His lips were inches away from mine and I would have kissed him right there had Tom not walked in. Nathan jumped back and went back to making the tea.

"We're off now. Don't wait up for me...who knows what time we'll be back!" he said as he snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me in close to him. He looked me in the eyes before he sent his lips crashing into mine. He wasn't going to pull away but then Max walked in and said;

"C'mon mate; we need to go now!" before letting the door close behind him and walking off. Presumably to get into the taxi that was waiting for them outside.

"I'll see you later babe. Have fun with Nath..." he said as I pecked him quickly on the lips and with that he disappeared from sight.

"Don't worry, we'll have a fun!" Nathan said to me cheekily once he heard the front door close.

"I believe you were going to do something before Tom walked in?" I whispered to him as he placed his arms on my waist and I placed my own around his neck. He quickly placed his soft lips on mine and they moved perfectly together.

"So, shall we take this upstairs?" he asked, placing his fingers inbetween mine as his breath tickled my face. I just nodded and smiled at him. I knew that we needed to stop, but I didn't know how to say no to Nathan. He had a way of always making me say yes.

I need to make my find up. I can't keep telling Tom I love him while also loving Jay and sleeping with Nathan at the same time. Why is love so confusing? Please help me...

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