Part 14

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Lizzy thinks I'm stupid but I can tell that she's got something on her mind. She hasn't said a single word all night and usually she never shuts up. That means there is something really wrong with her. But I don't want to ask her for fear that she will eat me alive if it's something I've done.

I just decided it would be best if I left it and accepted that she would tell me when she wanted to talk about what was on her mind. Although I was curious since she had never been this quiet Tom. Just leave her to think this through for herself.

I went to the bar and ordered a round of drinks for everyone, making sure I had got the right things for everyone before paying the man and taking the tray over to the table which we were sat on. I distributed the drinks to everyone before taking my place back at the table inbetween Jay and Lizzy. Almost everyone was smiling.

I say almost everyone because the only people not smiling were Lizzy, Nathan and Jay. All the others were having a brilliant time. Enjoying the night and drinking far too much. But those three were all sat there in deep thought, slowly drinking their drinks and making them last far longer than they ought to have done. If this is how they were going to be all night then I can really see myself going off with some other people who actually know how to have a good time and know what a smile is.


I knew that Tom could tell there was something wrong with me. I'm usually the loudest out of all of us, but tonight I was sat here in complete silence. My mind focussed on the text message I had received and wondering who could have sent it to me. It also meant that I would have to talk to Nathan because he would also be exposed as a cheat if this story comes out.

I was sipping on my drink when Tom turned to look at me, with a massive grin in his face but all I returned to him was a faint smile which was forced. He could tell that I wasn't really interested since he got up and left to find the others who were already on the dancefloor somewhere and it was then that Nathan moved closer to me.

"Have you told anyone about us?" I asked him.

"No...why would I do that?" he replied.

"Well earlier you told Tom none of you would want me anyway. Tom me that sounds like your jealous, so you could have told someone while you were angry?" I suggested.

"Of course I'm jealous. I told you that I loved you and you just said you didn't care" he snapped at me.

"Because I don't love you Nathan. I love Tom but looks like I'm about to lose him for good..."

"What do you mean?"

"Someone knows about me and you. They've told me if I don't leave Tom, then they'll go to the paper with the whole I either leave Tom to save my own skin or I stay with him and we will both be made to look like cheats!"

"Well, you've got to leave Tom. Problem solved..."

"You only want me to leave him so you're not made to look like the bad guy in front of all your loving, adoring fans. Are you scared that they won't love you anymore once they find out you slept with me?"

"No actually, I'm thinking of Tom for once although an advantage of you leaving Tom is that I do still look like a sweet, innocent nineteen year old!" he replied.

"I doesn't matter which option I take, Tom is still going to end up heart-broken. If I leave him then he'll think it's because of you or Jay but if I don't then he'll find out it's because of you anyway!" I hissed angrily back trying to get Nathan to understand the position I was in. I didn't want to leave Tom, but it was looking like I didn't really have much choice. And did I really want the fans knowing Nathan was the sort of person who would steal your girlfriend?

"I'd rather he think it was either me or Jay, than have him know it was definitely me!" Nathan replied.

"You're only thinking of yourself, just like always!"

"You're the one the chooses to keep sleeping me. No one else makes you do it, you just decide to. What does that tell you about yours and Tom's relationship?" he asked and he had a point. I did keep sleeping with him whenever he asked me to and he filled the hole which Tom left when he was too busy for me. Which seemed to be a lot more lately.

"I don't know what it tells me, okay? But I know that I don't want anything from you..."

"Other than sex. That's the only thing you want from me, right?!" he snapped but I couldn't answer him. He was right. The only thing I wanted from him was sex when I was lonely and had no one else there to love me. When I was unable to reply, Nathan muttered, "that's what I thought!" and with that he left the table, looking for the others in the crowd.

I took the last gulp of my drink, admiring the bottom of the empty glass when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket again. I pulled it out and it was from the same unknown number as before;

From Unknown Number:

You have two days to make your choice. Make the right one because it won't just be you in the frame if I go to the papers...

That was the text message which sealed the deal. I knew what I was going to do and I was going to wait until the morning to complete that decision...

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