Part 12

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Well, safe to say that last night was a good night. I remember nothing and that's always the sign of a good night...or so I've been told anyway. I woke up to see Tom was still fast asleep next to me. He was in a pair of old joggers and was lying there with no top on just showing off his perfection.

"You can't keep your eyes of my body can you?" he mumbled with a smile on his face.

"How did you know I was looking? You haven't even got your eyes open..." I giggled as I snuggled into his warm chest. He placed his arm around me and pulled me in close to him.

"I just know when you're looking, I mean you do every time I have my top off so I didn't think today would be any different!" he laughed at me. I looked up and my eyes met his. Those big hazel eyes just glarred back at me and sent me to a whole other world. I loved his eyes, I mean they were just amazing.

"Oh shut up Parker. I'm trying to go back to sleep here!" I laughed as I pulled the covers up to my chin and closed my eyes while enjoying the warmth which Tom was giving off at the same time. Once Tom was awake there was no making him go back to sleep. It's like as soon as he wakes up, all this energy rushes into his body and he wants to do everything he possbly can before the end of the day. I, on the other hand, was nothing like that. Give me a pillow and some covers, I'll be straight back to sleep - sleep was the only thing in the world that I loved more than Tom and I hated it when I didn't get my sleep. I was nearly back in my dream world when I heard someone shouting from downstairs.

"TOM! LIZZY! YOU NEED TO COME SEE THIS!" he yelled up at us. I was too tired to recognise the voice and I didn't care what he wanted to show me. I was more interested in going back to sleep; there was no chance of that happening now. I felt Tom slowly remove himself from under me and then I felt him take his arm from around my waist. That was the signal that it was time to get up and there was not going to be anymore sleep for me until tonight.

"Who was that shouting?" I moaned as Tom pulled the curtains open and the sunlight immediately blinded me.

"It was Jay; I assume Nath must have let him in!" he replied as he pulled on some clean jeans, a top from out of the drawer and one of his hoodies from out of the wardrobe.

"Does this mean I have to get up?" I asked, hoping he would tell me to stay where  Iwas.

"Yes babe. That does mean you have to get your lazy arse out of bed" he laughed at me as he planted a quick kiss on my cheek before he walked out of the bedroom and disappeared down the stairs. That was my sign to hurry my arse up and get ready. I slowly removed the covers from my body and was greeted by the coldness of the room. I needed a shower but Tom had told me to hurry up so I just threw one some old stuff I hadn't worn in a long time. I grabbed a pair of leggings, a purple vest top and the hoodie which I had stolen off Tom a long time ago. He just told me to keep it since everytime he took it back, I just stole it again and wore it without asking. Tom got annoyed in the end and told me it looked better on me that it ever did on him. I think he was just saying that because he was angry; but I took it was a compliment. I walked slowly out of the bedroom and down the stairs where I heard Tom in fits of laughter in the living room. I walked in there to see Tom almost falling off the sofa because of how much he was laughing, Jay had a cheeky smirk on his face while Nathan was just sat there and looked less than impressed by what he was seeing.

"Come here babe and read this..." Tom managed to say in between the laughter. I walked over and took the paper from his hands and read the front page:


Well that was funny for a start, mostly because I recently dyed my hair red and hadn't been blonde for a long time. Shows how mich attention they actually pay to me and what is happening in Tom's life. The picture had to be the worst one ever. It was after Tom had fallen out of the taxi while trying to close the door and I was just kind of sat there laughing at him, rather than helping him. In fairness, when you're as drunk as we were, everything seems funnier than it actually is. I threw myself down on the sofa next to Jay, who moved away from me slightly as if he was going to catch something should he be sat there for too long. I read the story and it made me chuckle slightly as I read what they were saying;

Thomas Parker, 24, of The Wanted was seen out last night with a mysterious blonde. They were seen entering the club together at around eight last night and were seen leaving hand-in-hand with each other at around two this morning. It seemed to us that they were both pretty drunk since they couldn't walk in a straight line and Tom fell straight out of the taxi as he tried to close the door. Is this a one night thing or is our favourite guy now off the market?

Turn to page 11 for the full story.

How can there be any more to say about the whole thing. They seemed to have said everything they possibly could say in that small paragraph on the front page. Surely there is more important to talk about than whether Tom Parker has a new girlfriend. I turned to page 11  and all over the page were pictures of me and Tom. There was one of us holding hands as we walked out of the club, one of us kissing when we were both stood outside while he was smoking, another one of talking as we walked into the club - I mean, anyone would think these journalists have nothing better to do, other than to photograph celebrities and their girlfriends. I was going to read what else they had written but a picture at the bottom of the page caught my eye. I turned and looked at Jay;

"You and that slag are in here..." I said.

"She's not a slag, she has a name you know!" he snapped at me.

"Fine, you and barbie are in here!" I replied as Tom came over and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Now babe, don't be mean. It's not his fault that his girlfriend is even more fake than barbie!" Tom laughed.

"Look Tom, just don't even start. I'm really not in the mood..." Jay shouted as he walked out of the living room and stormed up the stairs; presumably to go to his room.

"What is his problem?" Nathan asked as he moved up and got exceptionally close to me.

"Oh..." I said quietly once I had read the story properly.

"What is it babe?" Tom asked.

"She isn't his girlfriend anymore. They were heard arguing in an alley, she told him it was over and she never wanted to see him again and when he asked her why, she said she had never loved him and was only using him for his fame..." I told Tom and Nathanm. I just shortened what the article said, but it was still pretty bad.

"Oh shit! I'm going to check he's alright, I always knew there was something strange about her..." Tom said as he kissed me gently on the cheek and left the room. The last thing I heard was his soft foot steps descending up the stairs and then there was complete silence. I sat there and continued to read the paper, slowly turning the pages just to make sure I didn't miss anything important. I only looked away from the paper when I felt a pair of lips press against mine.

"What are you doing Nathan? Tom is just upstairs..." I whispered angrily at him and pushed him away from me in shock.

"I'm sorry Lizzy, but I just can't deny the truth any longer..." he replied.

"Deny the truth? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Look, I love you and I want you more than anything!"

"You can't love me. We agreed it was nothing more than sleeping together, remember?"

"I can't help what I feel. I love you and I'm not going to give up until you feel the same way about me; that's why I've been ignoring you since that weekend. I've been trying to find the courage to tell you how I feel..." he said.

"I'm never going to feel the same Nath, I love Tom and that's not going to change that. I nearly lost him once and I'm not going to let that happen again!"


"I'm sorry Nath. I really am..." I whispered as I left him stood there, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. Sure I felt bad that I had caused him to feel this way, but we agreed it was going to be nothing more than sex. We definately agreed that we would never fall in love with each other.

I supposed this just makes everything more complicated. Tom loves me. Jay loves me. And now Nathan loves me too. Any normal girl would probably enjoy the fact they have three members of The Wanted fighting for their heart. But I wasn't a normal girl. I was with Tom Parker and I loved him. I didn't need Jay and Nathan complicating things even more. Why would he do this to me? My head is now more messed up than it as before...Tom? Jay? Nathan? Tom was the one that I wanted. He must be. I chose him when I had the chance to start over again with Jay. I wouldn't do that unless I actually loved him...would I?

No, I'm not that sort of person...or am I?

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