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^Rowan's outfit^

The only reason I'm here is because of him. He was the dark, I was the light and he tried to take it away from me. I always look for the bright side of the story but there wasn't any with him. Why my mom married him? Probably because he had money and a "nice face", why my mom stayed with him? I will never know the answer to that. But he's the reason why she died and I'm the only person who knows how.

So here I was at the Rim of the world adventure camp wearing long sleeve shirts even though it was 86° Fahrenheit (30° Celsius) to hide the recent bruises that he put there. Since my mom was dead, and he just wanted me out of the way.

The first thing I noticed at this camp were the colors; the bright greens, sky blues and neon colors of the designs of the different cabins. While appreciating the different colors I didn't think that I would bump into someone, the boy had shiny ginger hair and was shorter than me, considering I was medium height for my age. He looked younger than me by a few years, had several freckles on his pale face.

"Hi, I'm so sorry for bumping into you I was not paying attention to where I was walking," I rushed off babbling about how sorry I was. 

"It's alright, I'm Alex by the way," 

"Rowan" we gave each other nods and walked in our separate ways. Did I make a friend? No, of course not, people don't want to be friends with me. I'm the weirdo who doesn't know how to keep clean.

"Rowan, right? I am your leader Logan and welcome to camp Rim of the world" 

Immediately I straighten up and turn to face him, I stick my hand out in a formal manner,
"Hello, Mr. Logan," I reply all polite,

"Mr. Logan? No just Logan, Mr. Logan makes me sound old," he states shaking her hand,

"Oh sorry," I state looking down at the floor,

"Hey it's okay kiddie just... come on." as he says this he drapes his arm over my shoulders.
As we walk to the biggest building in the distance, he talks about what there is to do and which building is which. Instead of listening to him, I look around at all the things I can paint, sketch and places I can get lost in.

"And this is where I leave you, head to the dining hall to sign in and I will see you around!" Logan says happily and skips off to greet another person who had come to camp. What happened? I'm not too sure but I'll just go where he told me to. While walking to the big building a boy wearing all silk and sunglasses walks up and starts to trot alongside me.

"Hey," is all he says looking at me like I was the coolest thing on the planet. Not knowing how to respond I just stayed silent. 

"Helllloooo? Are you mute or something Because I can't have a mute girlfriend!" The boy exclaims, that shocked me. 

"Excuse me? I'm nowhere near to being your girlfriend so go walk away now!" 

"Woah Woah Woah babe, don't get all feisty!" 

"No go away," I said dismissing him. Luckily he actually went away.

Finally finding the registration table, I stood in front of an Asian girl and Alex, the girl looked like she would rather be anywhere but here. Yet that didn't stop her from looking cool, she has dark black hair and an army looking hat which looked like a beret. She also had chains around her neck which added on to the badass look.

"Rowan my girlll I feel like we haven't seen each other in a while!" Logan exclaimed loudly while trying to dap me up or the random things that boys do when seeing each other. Looking straight down at his hand I just looked back up at him weirdly.

"Anywayyyys just stay cool and move along,"

When I heard his voice again I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"CHINA!? Okay umm.. nonono I got this, NI HAO! Ummm... Welcome... to... camp!" Was what he said while doing some weird actions that would demonstrate the 'camp'. Deciding to just block him out I walked to the other 'leaders' and found my cabin number.

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