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That's when the screaming started. Shit I shouldn't have jinxed us, but wait. I didn't, I didn't say anything out loud, does that even count? Anyway, the biggest problem was that more people were dead, again and we had to save the world, again. Why is it always us? Anyways, leaving the bus was difficult because the other people on the bus were trying to get out the back window and the side door was locked. So the only reason all thing was to kick the door, luckily that actually worked and he didn't break his foot. Jumping out of the bus and running away from the others around the bus and to the front where the car that exploded before us I saw the soldier that I was bitching caught under the vehicle. I ran as fast as I could to the soldier and tried to help him out but he was stuck and I was too weak, that's when the others came and joined me.

"What are you doing? You gotta get out of here!" Knowing that it was a lost cause, I stopped trying to get him out, turned away and started to cry. The next thing I knew, someone had their arm around my waist and was pulling me away from everything,
"Come on hazel! We need to go!"
Then there was an explosion. The marine was dead.
After 1 mile of running, I was fine and stopped crying but that did not mean that my mood improved. After more miles of running we all started wheezing and trying to catch our breaths on some train tracks,
"I told you that was a stupid idea, you idiots almost got me killed. I don't even wanna be at summer camp, I should be in Cabo taking jelly shots off someone's ass cheeks! (Pants) slow down, slow down" that's kinda gross but okay,
"What do you think these things are after?" As Zhen asked that I shove my face into Gabriel's shoulder and just hugged him, he was obviously shocked about that but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders,
"Food maybe? Resources? It's possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours" good guess,
"What gives you that idea?"
"Nothing! It's the most common invasion movie plot" Alex says breathlessly,

"Maybe they're here to find mates, that would explain the erotic rendezvous with Dariush earlier." As she said this I felt a pair of eyes on me like someone was expecting me to say something about her comment,
"Hey, woah, woah, woah, no, we're not gonna do all that, okay? That was strictly platonic, let's just head north okay? To the desert, get as far away from that thing as we can get, all right? As far away-" stop bitching jheez,
"There is no away from those things" Zhen gives him a reality check,
"Zhenzhen's right, the only way we're going to survive is if we get this key to Dr. Fielding..." Alex keeps on talking but the thing that gets my attention was a tiny sniffle coming from the body I was clinging too. Pulling away a little bit from Gabriel, I look up and see that he has a few tears in his eyes and one running down his face. I take my hand, bring it up to his face, take my thumb and swipe away the tear that was running down his face, I gave him a small smile and turned back into the conversation. Yet the entire time I could feel his eyes on me.

"We have to," considering the fact that this was the first time I spoke this entire time they were shocked I had spoken,
"That marine was nothing but nice to us and I was a bitch about it, he died trying to help us, he also made Alex promise to him. So you can go off on your own to the desert but the four of us are going to JPL to get that key to Dr. Fielding." Zhen and Alex agreed with me.
"Okay, we're not going anywhere until we get some food maybe even some sleep if we can,"

"All right, fine"
"What's up with Chico?" Dariush looks over at Gabriel who still has tears in his eyes,
"This is my street." He says quietly,
"Great! Can we go in your house?" Wow these people really don't understand what feelings are.
"That's my house but... (sniffle) it's not my home." He paused and looked at me,
"I haven't been totally honest with you guys, I-I was in the mountains because... I was in juvie. And I escaped." He said trying to gouge my reaction. My expression just stayed stoic because what was I supposed to say to that? I knew that he wouldn't want pity.
"So even if my mom is here..." he looked away
"She's not gonna wanna see me" he finishes solemnly while looking at the floor. I walk up to him and grab his hand, his eyes snap up to mine in surprise,
"Let's go re-visit some old memories then" I said giving him a sad smile and tugging him along in a random direction, luckily it was the right way and I don't look like an idiot.

Jheez we're only halfway through the movie.
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