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"It means nothing works"
"Not even... cars?" Jheez how is this kid still in school?
"Yes Dari-dick not even cars" there Gabriel goes smiling again.
"Well, you guys have food and a roof over your head, you could do a lot worse than staying here and waiting this out."
"Wait, waiting what out?" This time there was an explosion louder than the rest of them and it caught me by surprise. "Shit!" Zhen and I quickly zipped up our bags and ran outside with the others, we ran to the clearing in the trees and looked up into the sky.

"Those are F-22 Raptor air superiority fighters." Woah those are legendary, I've only ever heard of them before.
"What are those ships they're fighting?"
"I've never seen anything like them" well I suppose we can't expect Alex to know everything. Considering the fact that these airplanes were coming straight at us I thought it would be a good idea if we left this area immediately.
"RUN! Get the hell out of here! We need to go now!" The only thing that could be heard were; explosions, gunfire and Dariush screaming.

While running forward there was an explosion that went off straight in front of us and threw us all back a few feet. Falling down on my back was horrible, I was winded and sore everywhere but I tried to ignore the pain and keep going while telling the others to do the same.

"What the hell is going on?!"
"Do you really think that we know?!" The next thing I knew my attention was facing upward at a capsule descending towards us. "Run!" BOOM! The rocket hits the ground and we all fly forwards.
"What is that?" I'm getting tired from all the yelling that I don't even bother telling Dariush off.

"It's a dragon capsule!" Alex cries, how does he know? Almost like Gabriel was reading my mind he says,
"How do you know all this stuff dude?"
"There's a reason my mom sent me to outdoor camp" well shit bro, that's not good
"Oh god, that thing's huge, what the hell?" Gabriel took a few steps toward the capsule.
"No no no! Don't touch it!" There were some sizzling noises and Gabriel jumped back in pain. I went up to him, took his hand and checked it for anything other than burns, he seemed fine.
"It's still hot from re-entry!"
"You stupid ass bitch" was all I said looking up at Gabriel with a fake pout. He just smiled down at me, why does he always smile? And why does his smile make me happy?

"Oh does anyone have any water?"
"Hey look, for once you actually have a good idea!" I cheered. What I should have known was that he only thinks about himself. When Zhen passed him her water bottle, he started taking big gulps of it draining probably half of the bottle.
"Nevermind I take that back you're just as selfish as you always are" I said while snatching the bottle from him and spraying it onto the latches of the capsule then stepping back and taking Gabriel's hand back into mine. The entire time while I was spraying water onto his hand I could feel his eyes on me.
"Am I really that gorgeous?" I joked,
"Yeah, yeah you really are" and immediately I stopped what I was doing and put my attention back onto the ship.

"Wait, you're not seriously going to open that thing, are you?" He's so selllfishhhhh,
"There could be someone inside!"
"No no. Leave it be, all right? We don't know what this shit is" Dariush says taking his fingers and taking a little bit of the goo that's on the outside of the capsule,
"Don't touch it." Instead of listening to Alex, he sniffs the goo and lets out a simple 'ew'.
"This is animal kingdom out here bitches, all right, survival of the fit-" and for once someone, or something cuts him off. The door of the capsule flies off and hits him in the back making him fly forward. All I did was wince because I knew what that felt like and, I thought about helping him but I decided otherwise.

Slowly all of us started to creep toward the open door,
"Hello? Is... is anybody in here?" There was a pause after that and suddenly we saw movement. Somebody climbed out of the capsule, we all screamed but after realizing that it's an astronaut from the space station we helped her get out and onto the ground.
"I thought space was supposed to make you weightless?"
"We're not in space right now dumbass, there's a thing called gravity here." I snapped. The astronaut seemed annoyed with us already but she looked too in pain to do anything about it.
"Where am I?"
"You're at Rim of the World adventure camp, near Big Bear!" Alex rushed out,
"This is a camp?" She said impatiently,
"Yeah, I was disappointed too, but..." Dariush stopped when I hit his arm,

"Coordinates all wrong.. Pasadena... Dr. Fielding..."
"I'm sorry, but we're not near Pasadena right now" Dariush said,
"JPL!" She screamed out,
"JPL?" Alex and I asked at the same time,
"The Jet propulsion laboratory?" Alex asked. I looked at the others and continued,
"It's a part of NASA" they nodded in understanding,
"Try not to move as much, okay?... Try not to move as much" Gabriel tried to keep her steady but she scrambled up to Alex gave him a strange looking metal thing and told him to take it to JPL, Dr. Fielding, and more that I couldn't hear because I was busy looking behind us.

"What the actual shit!"
"Guys we need to go!" I tried to get them to budge but they didn't move,
"You're gonna die if we leave you!" Gabriel tried to reason with the astronaut. The only thing he got in response was,
"We'll all die if you don't!" Then they finally decided it was time to go. We all started running and the only thing I could hear was her screaming. Then suddenly it stopped.
"Was that an alien!?" "Run!"

I felt bad for leaving her even if she told us to run. So while the others ran inside of the dining hall, I turned around to see what we were running from and if we could kill it. The answer was no. The alien had oily gray skin and six legs, these six legs all had sharp ass claws and it's face was probably going to give me nightmares, it was basically a hole that was big enough to fit an entire human body. While staring at it, I saw that it started cracking and that something started to growing out of its back. It was basically a miniature sized alien with 4 legs instead of 6 and it started charging our way,
"It has a dog!" I shouted.
"Rowan! Come on!" Gabriel ran out after me and we went inside.

Well that was long I just was bored.
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