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^Her adidas outfit but with her backpack ^

Running towards and abandoned mall that had cars in front of them that are on fire and others that looked untouched. Maybe aliens don't like Chevrons.
"I hope they got a McDonald's in here, I need me like, two McDoubles and an ice cream." Dariush pants.
"And don't forget the fries" I added on to Dariush's commentary.
"Hurry come on. Gotta get inside" Zhen said.
When inside the building, we went over to the escalators and looked around the mall at everything we could possibly change to. I couldn't help but spot an urban planet on the top floor, I quickly ran into it and got a pair of gray mom jeans, a nice black belt and a black tube top. Why I was suddenly so confident in my body? I'm not sure. Anyway, we continued down the mall.
"Come on. I know Gucci's downstairs, let's go!"
"Of course you would know" I said rolling my eyes,
"Well excuse my high fashion Madame." Dariush said bowing at the bottom of the escalator.
"Yo, you guys" he said picking up a blue lightsaber.

"How do you think an alien would do against this?" He then starts imitating the sounds of it,
"The circle is complete! I am your master now." I giggled at him, he hit me lightly with the lightsaber and continued to make the noises.
"No, the line is, "the circle is now complete. Now I am the master."" Alex said catching the lightsaber since Dariush was waving it in his face.
"Okay we really need to get you a girl." As Dariush said this I turned towards Zhen and waved my eyebrows. She just hit me.
"Alright you gotta cut this shit out. You know too much about this Star Trek shit." Star Wars.

My attention moved to Gabriel as he called us over to him.
"It's time for a change" he said motioning to the display stands. I looked down at the clothes in my hands then back up at the adidas and found a windbreaker that would be cute with the outfit. Grabbing the windbreaker I walked around the corner and yelled out,
"Don't come here I'm changing!" After I changed, I walked back only to see Gabriel shirtless standing cross armed staring at the stands. I covered my eyes but was also peeking through my fingers,
"Dude! Do you know what clothes are?!"
I yelled at him. He calmly turned around and gestured to the stands with his arms.

"I don't know which shirt to pick" he said with a pout. I walked up and saw the white shirt that had red sleeves, grabbed it and threw it at his face. He chuckled and put it on turning to me. He looked to his feet scratching the back of his neck.
"You uh" he shyly looks up clearing this throat,
"You look good" he said while nodding. Yup. I like him, it's official.
"Thanks" I smiled. There was a pause,
"I got a quick question" Gabriel started,
"What's up with you and Dariush? After my house you guys have been much closer." He asked.
"What do you mean closer?"
"I mean that you guys talk more, you don't call him Dari-dick anymore, you guys are just... closer." I raised an eyebrow at him,
"Are you jealous?"

I shook my head at him and took a step closer to him and crossed my arms. I looked him in the eye and started laughing in his face. He looked at me wide eyed while I was laughing.
"You're jealous!"
"No! No I'm not!" He yelled wide eyed,
"Sure you're not. Someday you will realize that you're deeply in love with me" I said walking by him patting him on the cheek.

Then we did the only thing we could do with our cool new outfits. We started dancing.

Short chapter bc school is stupid.
Thank you johnkatsopolis for voting and commenting on almost every chapter!
Like, comment and have a good day!

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