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"This can't be real" it honestly can't right? Maybe he beat me so hard I'm in a coma? That would be nice, I wouldn't have to face him and I could be here.
"What about this isn't real? He just sneeze-jizzed all over us!" Actually just you,
"Just shut up! I can't think with your constant bitching!" Woo you tell him!
"Hey, I'm allowed to bitch, all right? That thing had it's tongue in my mouth!" was all he said while facing Gabriel straight on.
"How do you know it was it's tongue?" Alex interfered,
"No Alex stop" he ignored me,
"We don't know their anatomy."
"What are you saying?" Dariush said getting frustrated,
"Honestly it's plausible that sophisticated creatures like alien males have cranial genitalia." Well shit. After Alex said that, there was a 4 second pause that nobody said anything, finally Dariush broke the silence,
"It had its dick in my mouth?" He asked while gesturing to his mouth. I winced, that's not really what you want your first to be like.

"Guys, we need to stay calm, okay? We need to stay calm." Gabriel announced.
"But everyone is calm?" I asked, but as usual I was ignored. Dariush also didn't like his statement,
"Calm? (Scoff) I just probably swallowed a load of alien babies that are gonna turn into puppies and leap out of my chest!" He's overreacting just a little bit. While this was happening, Alex was panicking and started talking about his mom. There was something wrong with Dariush because he was being really salty.
"If she's alive" woooooah,
"Hey don't say that!" As Alex says this he shoves Dariush,
"Chances are our parents are gone, alright!" Calm down, you guys, cheese and nuggets,
"Hey! What did I say about touching that kid?!" Oh look, Gabriel to the rescue.
"What are you gonna do? Huh? Gonna sucker punch me again? Go for it, cause I'll chop your ass in the neck and then I'll chop you in the head and finish you off with a rear-naked choke." At this statement I roll my eyes, who does Dariush think he is?
"Do you ever shut up? I mean, between my fist and that alien's dick, your mouth should be worn out by now" hot. Wait what?

All of a sudden Zhenzhen screamed, slapped the boys in the face and looked like she was about to kill them all.
"Why are you hitting me?" Oh Alex shut up,
"What we do in life... echos in eternity. [what the fuck..?] (Zhen picks up... dirt?) Hold the line! Stay with me. If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead." And she just walks off. Not knowing what to do, I just stood there staring after her.
"What the fuck just happened?" I asked the boys. They looked at me,
"I thought you would know" Gabriel said,
"I'm just as clueless as you guys are, sorry." I say while starting to walk after Zhen to wherever she's going.
"No, I think she just quoted Gladiator" Dariush answered.
"Since when does she speak English?"
"Since when does she speak?"

Walking in the front with Zhenzhen was better because I didn't have to listen to Dariush's constant bitching.
"May I ask where we're going?" I looked over to Alex and then to Zhen. The first thought that popped into my head was, they'd make a cute couple, so I decided to hang back with Gabriel.
"How hard did you punch Dariush?" I asked Gabriel. He looked down at me and smiled. That smile, I never want it to stop. I never realized that I was staring at him until he snapped his fingers in my face and asked if I was alright. I just blushed and looked away.
"Woah woah woah what?"
"Hey look it's the baby bitch" Gabriel smiled at me again.
"Wait, you wanna head 70 miles into the city? The alert said to stay out of metropolitan areas, not head straight into them!"
"We don't have to take it all the way to Pasadena, let's just get this key down the mountain and take it to adults. Tell them to take it to JPL." Said Zhen, damn she's smart. After a little pause because we don't know what to do, Gabriel speaks up.
"There's a sheriff's station down a bit, we could get it to a cop," he says shrugging.
"That's a great idea Gabriel, now let's get some bikes and kick some ass!" Zhen replies, his face morphed into one of shock,
"Damn girl your English is good!"

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