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Running into the building was the easy part, getting stopped by Dariush on the way to the kitchen was the hard part,
"Hey! Hey! Wait, wait, wait! How big was it? Was it like puppy-size? Cause maybe it just wants to cuddle."
"Why would an alien dog want to cuddle!?" Our conversation was interrupted by said dog opening the door and growling to get our attention. The next moments just consisted of us screaming about nonsense while running into the kitchen.

When Dariush and I got in there I couldn't see Zhen, Alex or Gabriel so we just kept on running. Dariush found a hiding spot behind a cupboard but I couldn't find a place,
"Rowan, Rowan come here!" Someone whisper-yelled at me, I looked over and saw Gabriel, Zhen and Alex. I went over to them but when we tried to get Dariush to our hiding place the alien dog popped out of nowhere and Dariush ran back to where he was before. As the dog rounded the corner so did Alex, Zhen and Gabriel, I saw the dog's nose before I saw his body but I knew that I had to move quick. Just as I rounded the corner the dog started walking in my direction and I thought I was screwed. Right as he was almost standing beside me a loud clatter of something metal dropped in the distance and I knew immediately that I was not the one that was screwed. The only thing that could be heard were Dariush's screams as he ran/crawled away from the dog through the dishwasher.

He popped out several seconds later and we beckoned him over to us. As we stood against a wall it charged at us, at the last second we ducked and Zhen locked the creature into the oven. Thinking that we were safe from the dog, we ran towards the door but that was not an option because the big one was coming through the door. "Go go go go run! Run!" We found an alternative exit to get out of the kitchen.

After we got out the window we all ran off except for Alex who stopped to take a break against the wall, that proved a stupid idea when the alien's hand burst through the wall and tried to get him. I quickly pulled him away, grabbed Zhen and we started running to the washroom/porta-potty and locked ourselves in it. The only way we could see what was happening were through the cracks in the door. I always knew this was a quality washroom, what I saw was the alien dancing on dock, until it decided to come after us.

"He's coming, we have to hide, please!" Alex said rather loudly while Zhen tried to shut him up. It's wasn't working for both parties so I just placed my hands on each of their mouths and went "shh". The only thing that could be seen is the alien's face in the fog and dust. "He's coming, he's coming, he's coming" was all that Alex was saying on repeat, I suddenly had an idea. A very bad idea. All I did was looking at Zhen and saying
"Do we dare?" When I got a nod in reply, I knew that we had to. We looked at Alex and Zhen pointed to the toilet seats.
"That's fecal suicide! No!" He was obviously disgusted and it was amazing,
"You said that you 'have' to hide so let's go".

I lifted the toilet seat. Zhen jumped in first then I followed her. Alex just muttered off a 'crap' and jumped in after us but he fell over and the whole back of his body got soaked,
"ugh! Not sanitary" gross. At first we could hear squishing underneath our feet (disgusting) and then the sound of someone banging on the door. Assuming it was the alien we stayed quiet and out of sight. All of a sudden, a steady flow of water runs through the toilet seat... what? Looking up I realize that it's not water and that it's actually pee (again, disgusting.) We looked up and saw that it was Conrad! Wait, he was alive? Shit... The alien! "Conrad!" Alex tried to get his attention, "Conrad!" Alex tried again but nothing happened.

All of a sudden the wood on top of us just smashed to bits and Conrad gets bitten and munched on. While Alex and Zhen go over to the window type thing, I cover their eyes with my hands and whisper "close your ears". Of course they don't listen to me and try to see what's happening. After a few seconds Conrad stops screaming and I uncover their eyes as the alien walks away. Getting out of the underpart of the washroom, we run towards capsule where Dariush and Gabriel are. We get to the door and yell at them that we have to go. I turn around and spot the dog before Alex and Zhen do so I push them out of the way and at the last second I jump out of the way as well.

Trying to stay on the other side of the capsule hiding from a dog that wanted to kill us, was hard. Walking in front of Alex and Zhen, I saw the dog first so I ushered them back to the left. We circled around the capsule away from the dog. It was like a weird dance. At one point Alex split off from us so we were walking in two different directions. When we walked over to the other side, there was no dog but that meant it was on the other side with Alex. Before I could dwell too far into it, the rockets on the capsule suddenly came alive and deep fried the dog. I ran over to Alex and checked if he was okay. He was mainly in shock. The door to the capsule shot open and Dariush and Gabriel came out to look at what they accomplished.

"I think we got it"
"Hey guys quick question, where did the big one go?" Right as I asked that, there was loud growling and we ran.
"At what point do we trip Zhenzhen and keep running?" I was getting tired of Dariush,
"What's to say that we won't trip you and keep running?" I fired back, however the alien still trapped us. I did not know it had so many eyes and teeth.

We were on the ground when the black goo came, he shot it all over Dariush and suddenly put something weird looking down his throat. To say it was mortifying would be an understatement but of course there's no other word for it. The alien took the thing out as a jet flies by and shoots it down.

We all got up and looked at the alien that now had bullet holes in it and seemed not moving.
"I didn't sign up for this shit man" said Dariush. I looked at him and replied breathlessly with,
"I don't think anyone did".

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