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Walking all the way to Gabriel's house proved hard when a spacecraft just zoomed over us and was trying to see if there were any people or something, but that proved a panic because now everything probably will,
"Go! Go! Go! Jump left!" Not everyone went left but nonetheless that made us run underneath the drapes that were flying so we ran as fast as we could into his house.

Getting into his house I closed the door behind me, the only thing I spotted about his house was that it was trashed, it looked like someone lost their car keys and flipped the house looking for them.
"Oh damn! Man we need to get my man Jacobi up in here."
"Who's Jacobi?"
"My Butler " he replies casually,
"Of course you have a maid. Because we all know you don't pick up after yourself," I replied sarcastically,
"It's looters" Gabriel says sadly,
"All right uh.. let's find something to eat" and everyone walks off. I look over to Gabriel and see that he was looking around with a sad expression on his face, he scans the area and then stops at me.
"It's usually more beautiful, or I think it was" he states sadly.
"I bet it was, and I really wish to have visited your bedroom in other circumstances" I over-exaggerate a wink at him and walk to the kitchen where Dariush is while leaving his quiet laughter behind.

Finding some food, Dariush and I start walking to wherever the rest of them where in the house.
"Do you like Gabriel?" Dariush asks me, I freeze in place and him wanting to hear my answer he stops beside me,
"Well, do you?"
"I-I-I don't know, I mean he's nice, funny, cute and he punched you in the face (hey! woah woah!) so that's a plus for me. But I don't know if I want to like him, because if I do I know he won't like me back and I'm not one for hurt myself like that." Dariush just gave me a look of disbelief,
"I'm saying this as a friend and even if you hot, this is being said in a totally platonic way, how could my man not like you? You're hot, funny, nice at times (*deadass look*) and one of a kind. If he doesn't like you then that doesn't matter because then you need better than him."
"That was actually really nice, thank you"
"You're welcome, now let's go find the others"

I was sitting to the left of Gabriel and the right of Zhen, and Dariush was sitting to the right of Gabe was fine, however the suggestive looks from Dariush we're starting to get annoying.
"I shouldn't have hit you, it was my fault" What is this confession time? But I mean these people are now family, more than he ever was so I can tell them if I want to, and I do want to.
"I don't know, I'm good bro. I mean... it doesn't hurt as much as seeing all this hunk on my new Jay's." Really? Shoes are his main priority right now?
"How do you care about sneakers in a time like this?"
"Exactly!" I exclaimed,
"You know what? You guys are lucky, you don't have friends (wow!) it's hard out here for a pimp, you know. Gotta keep up with the flyest shit, you know, the dopest kicks, tightest whip, baddest chick, and my friends, they're like bears. Soon as they smell weakness they're just coming straight at your neck.. that's why I keep this on my back, diamonds." I just scoffed shaking my head,
"Does Dariush mean douchebag in Farsi?" Dariush paused and looked at everyone,
"What's Farsi?" I facepalmed,
"It's the language your mom was screaming when you were coming out of her ass." Me and Zhen giggled but when I did it Gabriel looked straight at me with a smile,
"Hey, don't talk about my mom's ass, all right? You wish you were there" "not really"
"I mean no offence dude, but those don't sound like friends" I just pointed at Gabriel and he smiled, "Yeah..."

At that moment a wave of light and the sound of a spacecraft passing by made us all stop what we were doing and cautiously look towards the windows and the door. Waiting until the light passed by then we all relaxed. Dariush looked at me before looking at Gabriel and asked the question we all were wondering,
"Hey, how did you even end up in jail?" Gabriel looks up at him before looking at the rest of us before his eyes stopped at me and he started talking,
"My dad left when.. when I was about ten. You know, I got a job as a bag boy, at a grocery store my mom worked at to.. you know.. help her with money. One time she steps away, I took over the cash register... I was helping a customer and uh, he started to accuse me of stealing from him.. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get numbers... like, muddled in my head sometimes unless I see them written down. But he didn't believe me, and um.. I just.. I lost it. So I decked him, broke his nose. Mom got fired and... they sent me away. She never came around to visit me once."

"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight." Everyone looked at me,
"You decked and old man at 10 and broke his nose? Holy shit dude! What were you? A child hulk?" That got smiles all around the circle, however I pulled up the sleeves of my plaid shirt and the smiles instantly disappeared.
"Um... Rowan..?" Looking up at everyone I realized they weren't smiling anymore,
"Yeah what's up?" They exchanged looks and there was a hesitation when finally Dariush broke the silence,
"Why do your arms look like a bunch of blue and purple paint was thrown over them?" What? I looked down at my arms and spending time with these guys I completely forgot about him and what he did to me before I left. My arms looked exactly as how Dariush said that they were, there were dark splotches all over them some purple and blue. The blue ones were almost gone and the purple was bright. I guess that I'm telling them now.

"My dad died when I was one, my real dad mind you, and I don't know how because my mother never told me. When I was eight when my mom remarried to this monster and she learned that too late. My mom... she had a job that she needed to go on loads of Business trips and every time she was gone he took out his anger on me. The worst part was that he was always angry but acts like an angel when my mom was around but when she was back for longer periods of time that just meant a worse beating for me." They all averted their eyes to the floor,
"However when I was 12, immediately after she left he just... came at me, and I accidentally screamed. My mom came rushing back into the house and he knew that he can keep me controlled but not her. He knew that she was going to tell the police... so he beat her... so bad" I said shakily,

"And it was like he was only seeing red, so he picked up a vase and hit her with it." There was a pause,
"He quickly realized what he did but he was too late... she died in her hospital bed and the doctors wanted to know how she died. You want to know what he said?" I asked looking around at everyone,
"He said that she was crazy and hated her job and he said that he tried to stop her but that didn't work.... the bruises usually stay for weeks and there's nothing I can do about it."

There was a long pause after that,
"Why couldn't you just tell the police?" Dariush asks, I gulp and close my eyes,
"While we were leaving the hospital in the car, he told me that if I ever told anyone I would turn up like my mom." I just looked up and smiled,
"But after facing aliens I should able to face him too now!" They all smiled nervously and agreed.
"One last thing, if any of you treat me like a baby or like I'm glass I will break your arm" I stated while smiling sweetly. Zhen just smiled and said,
"You can't choose your family, but you can always make a new one" we just nodded at Zhen and she pulled out a camera.
"A young Yoda up in here?" We all just shuffled around and faced the camera,
"Oh, we're taking an old school selfie?" There being no left over space I just draped myself over Gabriel and Dariush, and the picture consisted of me and Gabriel both having blushes on our faces smiling at the camera.

Well that was long... but now you know her backstory! It's only like that because my friend told it to be like that.
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