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Before Lou can do any serious damage to any of us, the other guy that was glaring at me started screaming. We all turned toward him to see that the alien that attacked us at camp had its hand through him and suddenly ripped it out the body dropping to the ground. The guy beside him was shooting at the alien only for nothing to happen to it, he alien lifted him into then air and hit Lou away to where the first guy was laying. It sliced the guys head clean off his shoulders and we started running.

Turning away from the alien we all ran around the pool.
"Run!" Alex's voice sounded higher than the creatures snarling. Getting to the other side of the pool, gunshots rang off trying to kill the alien. I whipped around and see Lou on the floor beside the body of his buddy shooting at the alien, what I also saw was Gabriel still on the other side of the pool.
"Gabriel!" Dariush screams.
"Gabe get over here!" I yelled at him.
"Gabriel What are you doing!?" Dariush yelled over Lou's bones being crunched.

"Zhenzhen, throw me the glow-sticks!" He yelled back, he better not be having a superhero moment.
"Gabe what the hell are you doing? Get the hell over here!" I screamed at him
"Throw 'em! Come on!" I look over to Zhen to see her toss the glow-sticks over to Gabriel. He catches them then lights them up, what the hell is he doing!? He turns around towards the alien and gets its attention by waving the glow-sticks in the air and screaming at it.
"Gabriel what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Gabriel hurry up!"
"Come here! You're gonna die!"

After getting the attention of the alien, Gabriel started walking backwards to the pool and then stepped on the tarp layered over the pool.
"Come on! Come get me!" The alien roared and Gabriel fell to the tarp and scuttled back. The alien cautiously put an arm onto the yard to see if it would hold. When it held half him up perfectly fine, he slowly advanced towards us. Luckily Gabriel already got off the tarp and back to the ground when the alien started charging towards us. He must've put too much weight on a step because suddenly the tarp came out and trapped it into the water. We all started cheering and praising Gabriel for capturing it but I shook my head thinking, what's to stop it from regenerating?
"Come on! let's go while it's down!" I stated ushering them to run.

It turned to day again. We were running for a whole day. Dude my legs are going to look so nice by the end of this adventure!
"That was the same alien from camp. I thought we killed that thing?" Dariush said slowing down causing all of us to stop running and walk. I started to wheeze.
"I don't exercise (wheeze) I sit behind a canvas and move my wrist (wheeze) This is too much (wheeze)." Alex looked at me also winded,
"Trust me I know the feeling. But is the alien came down with the capsule, that means it survived the heat of atmospheric re-entry, which means that it must have tremendous calculations regeneration abilities." I nodded along.
"English Alex please!" Zhen shouted at him stopping the group. Alex stopped to think of an example think could be used in this scenario.
"It's like wolverine" I stopped panting and explained to them, they looked at me and away.

"Oh" Zhen said then kept on walking causing us to follow her.
"Why the hell is it following us?" Gabriel asked looking to me and Alex.
"It's pissed about it's dog! You ever watch Marley and Me or Beethoven? It's a primal bond, it's out for revenge. Ask John Wick" Dariush said.
"Not only a primal bond, the dog literally grew out of it" I added, Dariush pointed at me in a 'exactly' motion.
"You guys are putting human motives on an alien lifeform. No, it probably just had orders to kill Collins and anyone she came in contact with, we're just lose ends to this thing." Alex states.
"No, you know what? My dog theory was better" Dariush said,
"Our dog theory" I corrected him and he just rolled his eyes at me.
"Who gives a frog's fat ass why? This ain't comic-con bitches." We and Gabriel exchanged a look.
"All that matters is that it wants us dead, and we can't kill it." Zhen said forcefully.

"She's right, we should just keep moving." Alex exclaimed. Dariush groans,
"I'm done with your ideas! You were the one who thoughts to let Hannibal Lecter out of his cell. Consider your leadership privileges revoked!" I was expecting some snaps up in here and a sassy finger but none came.
"Sometimes you do the right thing and it doesn't work out, that doesn't mean it wasn't worth doing" Alex recites calmly as if that sentence was carved into his brain.
"Who the hell told you that!?" Dariush screams at him,
"My dad, never knew what it meant until right now."
There was a slight pause while Dariush scoffed and took a few steps away from the circle we accidentally formed.
"Look, why is it up to us to save humanity?"
"What do you think someone else should do it? Of course you do. The kid who's always had everything done for him" Gabriel shoves Dariush, I tug on Gabriel's arm trying to get him to stop,
"Maybe mommy and daddy can pay the alien to go away, but him a new Mercedes-" Gabriel gets cut off by Dariush head butting him and Gabriel falling to the floor.

"Hey! You don't know my family dude!" He charges at Gabriel and starts hitting him. I walk up and pull them apart,
"Stop!" "That's enough." Zhen yells. Dariush starts screaming again,
"You don't know me! My family has nothing!"
"Oh yeah? Except for a car dealership and a mansion and a yacht-" Gabriel starts but gets cut off by Dariush,
"No! The dealership is gone! It's all gone! That's why they sent me to camp man." He voice started shaking at the end.
"It's... it's just stuff" Gabriel says slowly.
"I don't know who I am without all that stuff.... And... they're taking my dad. He's going to jail." Dariush admits his voice shaking. I walk over to Dariush and give him a hug. We pull away and smile,
"Everything's going to be okay." I tell him.
"I'm... I'm sorry" Gabriel says while glaring at us. While the radio starts beeping, I walk over to Gabriel stand in front of him and cross my arms staring at his face.

"You've got blood on your face"
"Thanks I didn't know" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes,
"Hey I'm just trying to help!" I exclaimed,
"Yes I know, sorry." I turned back to everybody else.
"I'm sorry I head butted you, you should clean that up." Gabriel touched the blood on his nose,
"Yeah, that's fine. Sorry for... punching you" he replied slowly.
"It's Dr. Fielding. He's trying to contact us, we gotta go." Zhen announced.
"Maybe we should try to find some clothes? No clue what that thing can track, it might be our scent." Alex agreed, I groaned.
"Another wardrobe change? Guys come onn we are in an alien invasion here."
"Whatever Hazel, let's go." And we set off running. Again.

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