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Watching as the alien toppled over on his 'knees' and smelt like burnt flesh. I looked over at Alex with tears running down my face.
"We need to go" I told him, he pointed at my face,
"You were crying,"
"That doesn't matter, let's go" Alex then looked past me at something that wasn't there and sniffed. He looked at me and nodded, we then stood up and I grabbed Alex's hand. He looked and the fire then at me, he started running pulling me along and we ran through the fire. Running along the JPL hallways taking random turns until we found the doors.

Alex was about to run out but I stopped him.
"You want to impress Zhen right?" He nodded,
"Can we walk out slowly like badasses but fast enough not to get smooshed?" He laughed and nodded. So Alex and I walked out the building, door and out of the fog. The whole time I was hoping to look like a badass but I probably looked really stupid.

"Alex" Zhen whispered, Gabriel looked up and smiled,
"Rowan" then they all started running and Gabriel made it to me first and he kissed me... again... swoon. Kissing back I smiled and pulled away. Hoping to say something to him was a low chance because I was pulled away by Dariush. He hugged me and started cheering about how Alex and I were the best and how he missed us. Zhen came up and hugged me while jumping up and down.
"Wait did we do it?" I asked,
"Yeah did it work?" Our questioning was cut off by a loud explosion in the upper atmosphere, the ship!

"Woo-hoo!" I screamed and jumped on Gabriel's back,
"Hell yeah we did it!" It was just a moment of smiles and happy times. And I looked to my left and I saw Zhen kiss Alex. I screamed causing Gabriel to almost drop me out of shock.
"What? Who's attacking?" He asked spinning in circles with me on his back. I laughed,
"Zhen kissed Alex!" I yelled hitting Gabriel's shoulders.
"Okay if you're going to abuse me, I'm gonna drop you" he told me,
"Sorry" I said kissing his cheek. He just smiled goofily at me putting me on my feet,
"It's okay."

We all banded together and looked at LA. We cheered when sonic booms rang out in the area.
"Oh yeah, I'm definitely coming back next year, for sure." I laughed at that,
"We saved the world!"
"Fuck yeah!"
The pictures at the end

1. Alex hugging his mom while Zhen had her arm out, Dariush was wrapped in a shiny blanket and Gabriel had an arm around Rowan's shoulder.

2. The court, Rowan was testifying against her step-father in front of a judge. The boys and Zhen were sitting in the cuticles behind her. Her step-father looked outraged.

3. They were knelt in front of the Queen in suits and dresses (Zotto in this 😍) and the Queen was putting a sword on their shoulders.

4. They were sitting in James Corden's car doing carpool karaoke and Alex, Dariush, Zhen and Rowan were in the back. Zhenzhen was sitting on Rowan's lap and Gabriel was in the front. They were all chatting about random stuff.

5. The were all standing on some platform being celebrated, Rowan was throwing confetti at the crowd, Zhen was doing peace signs, Alex and Gabriel were pointing at people in the crowd and Dariush was trying to be cool.

6. It was an awkward/cute picture of Alex and Zhen at a dance. Zhen was wearing a black dress (that Rowan picked out) and Alex was wearing a tux that has silver on it (Gabriel and Dariush picked it out after a little fighting) Alex has his arm awkwardly wrapped around Zhen but he was an inch away from her.

7. Was a picture of Gabriel and Rowan at an art studio, slathered in paint after having a play fight, of Gabriel trying to hug her and Rowan running as far as she can from him. All of her pictures are now signed 'Hazel' and his 'Gabe'.

8. It was them at a concert, Alex was playing the piano screaming, Zhen was sitting on said piano with her arm raised in the air, Gabriel was pointing at them, Dariush was addressing the crowd and Rowan was crowd surfing. They were all wearing shiny blue cow-people outfits.


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