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Not Gabriel anymore

I'm not sure how, but in the middle of the night apparently either Gabriel or I snuggled into one another in the night so we were cuddling. Like cuddling cuddling. My back was pressed in his front and one of his arms were around my waist and the other was wrapped around my head. I knew this because I woke up a few seconds before everybody else. I woke up because I felt a tug on my waist and a sudden warmth enveloping me. Tilting my head up to the ceiling I just smiled. I guess I do like him. But again my thoughts got interrupted by a loud bang and a cat meowing rather loudly. We all shot up and faced the window, however Gabriel's arm was still wrapped tightly around my waist like he was protecting me. When he realized where his arm was he took it off and blushed, I just laughed at him.

"Shh! Shh!" Zhen shushes us and mouths 'aliens'.
"Yeah, we gotta go" then he whips the blanket off of us and we all go change into the outfits we were in before. We ran outside and immediately I regret it because we're running through a field of drying sheets with no view of what we can see.
"You see anything?" Dariush whispers,
"If we would see anything I think we would tell you" I whispered back. Ruffling through the sheets I pulled one back very quickly and looked around.
"Guys, we should turn back" Alex whispers,
"We can't now man, we're already here" Dariush whisper-yelled back at him.
"Dude, I'm telling you this is how people die in movies"
"Nobody's going to die now shut up" I said continuing to walk,
"Guys, you see anything?" Zhen asks,
"You need some Febreze on these sheets," Dariush pulls back a sheet and screams. I ran over to him and grabbed his sleeve pulling him back as a gun suddenly cocks. After another cock of a gun, we all raise our hands and jump away from the masked men.
"Not another step" said a groggy voice.
"Move!" The other yelled at Dariush,
"I'm backing up!" He yelled back.

"The hell you doing out here? We're in the middle of an alien invasion." One of the guys said.
"Oh yeah, I mean, and you're the ones with the purge masks, wrong genre bro." Dariush said nervously,
"Dude shut up!" I yelled at him.
"We got a comedian here!?" The other one says cocking his gun.
"Hey! Woah! Woah! Woah! Just forget that he's there! No need to get all trigger happy!" One of them points his gun at me, all I do is glare at him.
"Shut up little girl!" He screamed at me. At that point Gabriel finally interrupted,
"Th-th-There are aliens out here, okay? We're not the enemy!"
Guy number one just ignores him,
"You guys have something we're looking for."
"Dignity?" I just smirked, guy number two again looks back to me and cocked the gun again,

"I could do it you know?" My attention shifted to him,
"Then do it." I glared at him and everyone exchanged nervous glances behind my back.
"Everybody calm down" a voice said from behind the two guys with the shotguns. This guy seemed like the leader of the two idiots with his black suit and nets hanging off of them, his face however was covered by an even thicker guys then the rest of them.
"Look what we found" he said slowly then paused. He takes his fingers shoved them through the eye holes and pulled off the mask showing a raggedy ass looking man with crazy eyes.

"Lou!" Alex screams out while Dariush and Zhen relax slightly.
"Thank you baby Jesus, thank you god!". "Lou!" Alex and Dariush kept on saying however Gabriel and I were confused. When did they meet the psycho?
"Hold on, you know this guy?" Gabriel asks walking forward pointing at him. The people thinking that he wanted to hurt them, they quickly cocked their guns again and pointed them at him. Gabriel quickly scrambled back and I grabbed his sleeve.
"Do we know him? Hell yeah we know him!" My attention was drifted back to Dariush,
"We go way back. Lou, my negro! Lou, you know me, we're like this! I wanted to free... Al-Alex was the one who was like, "Leave him in there" and I was like, "Dude let's free him, he's a human". Do you mind if you could just tell these.. these handsome men, the ones.. pointing the shotguns at our face to, you know... not-not do that?" The second guy stayed glaring at me.

He looked to 'Lou' and said,
"I'll do it if she says please" he said nodding in my direction. Lou looked over to me and raised an eyebrow when he saw that I was glaring at him. He looked entertained that I was not scared of him at all.
"Alright, you!" He pointed at me,
"Beg for them to lower the guns" everyone looked at me.
"Rowan just say it" Alex said,
"Rowan come on don't be so stubborn" Dariush said,
"Rowan say please" Zhen pleaded,
"Come on hazel just do it" Gabriel finally said, I looked over at him then over the barrel of the gun that was pointed at my face. I sighed and reluctantly looked up at the guy who was smirking at me.
"Can you please lower your gun from our faces" I said annoyed.

"She said it" My attention turned to Lou,
"I don't think anyone needs to get hurt tonight. But Alex." I took a step towards Alex in a protective manor.
"If you'd be so kind as to give me that?" He asked, pointing to the key on his chest, I scoffed. Alex looked down at the key on his chest and held it up, in a small voice he asked.
"This?" Lou just gave him the crazy eyes and nodded,
"This is our only shit at defeating the aliens." Alex stated,
"Yeah... That means someone will pay a lot of money for it. Give me... the key" he said stepping forward and reaching his hand out thinking Alex will just place it over.

"I can't." Alex said shoving the key into his shirt,
"I made a promise" Alex said.
"Alex, Alex give him the key. Enough okay?" Dariush said panicking.
"You can give me the key and just walk away." Lou started. He then pulled out a pretty big knife, I immediately jumped in front of Alex to shield him with my body.
"Or I can cut your head off and take the key from the stump" he said walking forward while we were taking steps back,
"To get Alex you're going to have to go through me" I growled out,
"I trusted you!" Alex exclaimed.
"The cemeteries are full of people who trusted me" he said like it was no big deal.
"Oh shit!"

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